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Firm Information

Reporting Requirements

Effective January 1, 2020, the Board updated reporting requirements for firms.

Firm must notify the Board within 45 days:

  • Resolution of any civil action against the Firm that relates to professional services, business operations or practices of the registered firm in Oregon.
  • Resolution of any civil action against any Oregon licensee affiliated with the firm that relates to professional services, business operations or practices of the registered firm in Oregon.
  • Initiation of any regulatory action against the firm;
  • Resolution of any regulatory action against the firm;
  • Initiation of any regulatory action against any Oregon licensee affiliated with the firm.
  • Resolution of any regulatory action against any Oregon licensee affiliated with the firm.
  • Any inquiry into an Oregon firms conduct through a professional organization.
  • Resolution of any inquiry of an Oregon firm from a professional organization.

Firm must notify the Board within 10 days:

  • Initiation of any criminal investigation against the Firm
  • Resolution of any criminal investigation against the Firm
  • Initiation of any criminal investigation against any of the following individuals affiliated with the firm:
  • Oregon licensee

  • Oregon Partner

  • Oregon Owner

Notification to the Board must include the following information when reporting any of the events above:

  • Name of the regulatory agency, court or professional organization
  • Title of matter
  • Docket number if applicable
  • Date of occurrence of the event
  • Name of any legal representatives involved
  • Statement of the facts
  • Copies of relevant documents, including but not limited to, regulatory notice, civil complaint, criminal charging document and any settlement documents.

The reporting requirements set forth in this rule may not be not negated by the terms of a non-disclosure agreement or court protective order.

The notices required by this rule shall be signed by the person or persons against whom the regulatory action, civil action and/or criminal investigation or action is raised. If the regulatory action, civil action, or criminal investigation or action is against a registered firm only, the notice(s) must be signed by an authorized Oregon partner or owner of the firm.

If you have questions about reporting requirements, please contact the Board by email at​ or call the Board office at 503-378-4181.


The following fees are applicable to firm registration, as outlined in OAR 801-010-0010:

Initial Firm Registration - $265

Firm Registration Renewal - $265

Firm Registration Late Fee - $265


The following forms of payment are accepted by the Board:

  • Checks or Money Orders made payable to "Oregon Board of Accountancy"
  • Credit card payments using VISA or MASTERCARD only

If you have questions about firm registration fees, please contact the Board by email at​ or call the Board office at 503-378-4181.

Reinstatement requirements

Reinstatement Requirements: Lapsed, Suspended, Retired or Inactive to Active Status.

(1) CPE Requirements applicable to all reinstatements.

  • CPE taken for reinstatement purposes must comply with the CPE requirements in Division 40 of the Board’s CPE rules, including but not limited to contributing to the licensee’s professional competence and relevancy to their practice as required by OAR 801-040-0030(1).
  • Upon reinstatement, licensee shall complete CPE requirements described in these rules on a pro rata monthly basis, including the month of reinstatement, until the end of the renewal period in which reinstatement occurs.
  • CPE hours used for reinstatement may not be claimed on a future renewal application in this jurisdiction.

(2) Lapsed licenses. Licenses that are not properly renewed shall lapse. Lapsed licensees are not permitted to practice public accounting or work at a public accounting firm. A Lapsed license may be reinstated to active, inactive or retired status. To reinstate to active status an individual holding a lapsed license must:

  • Provide a detailed written description of the business and professional activities of the individual during the period of lapse, and indicate whether the individual was holding out as a CPA or PA during the period of lapse.
  • Submit an application for reinstatement on a form provided by the Board.
  • Submit payment of the application fee and the active renewal fee for each renewal period that the license was lapsed.
  • Complete and report 80 CPE hours including four (4) hours of ethics.
  • Submit proof of completion certificates no older than 24 months from the date of the reinstatement application for each CPE course supporting the application for reinstatement.
  • Credit for programs in non-technical subjects is limited to 16 CPE hours.

(3) Reinstatement from Lapsed Status to Inactive Status: A person who is lapsed may apply to reinstate the license to inactive status by:

  • Submitting an application for reinstatement on a form provided by the Board.
  • Paying the application and the inactive renewal fee for the renewal period in which the application is submitted.
  • Providing a detailed written description of the business and professional activities of the individual during the period of lapse, and indicating whether the individual was holding out as a CPA or PA during the period of lapse.
  • Completing and submitting 32 hours of CPE including four (4) hours of ethics CPE with proof of completion certificates for CPE courses taken within 24 months immediately preceding the date the reinstatement application is received at the Board office.
  • Credit for programs in non-technical subjects is limited to eight (8) CPE hours.

(4) Reinstatement from Lapsed status to Retired Status: A person who is lapsed may apply to reinstate to retired status by:

  • Submitting an application for reinstatement on a form provided by the Board
  • Paying the application and retired renewal fee for the renewal period in which the application is submitted
  • Verifying eligibility for retired status as defined in OAR 801-010-0120(6).

(5) A license that is lapsed for more than six years or three renewal periods expires and cannot be reinstated. If a license has expired the person can:

  • Elect to take and pass the CPA exam and apply for initial licensure. A person who elects this option must meet the requirements of OAR 801-010-0050, 801-010-0060, and 801-010-0065.
  • If the person is licensed in another state the person can submit a reciprocity application as outlined in OAR 801-010-0080.
  • Seek to have the expired permit restored pursuant to OAR 801-010-0140.

(6) Inactive Status licenses reinstating to Active Status. To reinstate a license from inactive status to active status, the holder of such license shall:

  • Submit an application for reinstatement on a form provided by the Board together with payment of the application fee and active license fee.
  • Provide a detailed written description of the business and professional activities of the individual during the period of inactive status, and indicate whether the individual was holding out as a CPA or PA during the period of inactive status.
  • Complete and report 80 hours of CPE including four (4) hours of ethics CPE completed within the 24 month period immediately preceding the date the application for reinstatement is received at the Board office, together with proof of completion certificates for all hours reported.
  • Credit for programs in non-technical subjects is limited to 16 CPE hours.

(7) Reinstatement from Retired Status to Inactive Status: A retired status licensee may apply to reinstate the license to inactive status by:

  • Submitting an application for reinstatement on a form provided by the Board together with payment of the application fee and inactive license fee.
  • Providing a detailed written description of the business and professional activities of the individual during the period of retired status, and indicating whether the individual was holding out as a CPA or PA during the period of retired status.
  • Completing and submitting 32 hours of CPE including four (4) hours of ethics CPE with proof of completion certificates that were taken within 24 months immediately preceding the date the reinstatement application is received at the Board office.
  • Credit for programs in non-technical subjects is limited to 8 CPE hours.

(8) Reinstatement from Retired Status to Active Status: A retired status licensee may apply to reinstate the license to active status by:

  • Submitting an application for reinstatement on a form provided by the Board together with payment of the application fee and active license fee.
  • Providing a detailed written description of the business and professional activities of the individual during the period of retired status, and indicating whether the individual was holding out as a CPA or PA during the period of retired status.
  • Submitting 80 hours CPE including a minimum of four (4) hours of ethics CPE, completed within the 24 month period immediately preceding the date the application for reinstatement is received at the Board office, together with proof of completion certificates for all hours reported.
  • Credit for programs in non-technical subjects is limited to 16 CPE hours.

(9) Reinstatement of Suspended licenses. To reinstate a license that is suspended under ORS 673.170 to active status, the holder of such license shall:

  • Provide evidence of satisfaction or completion of all terms and conditions stated in the order suspending the license.
  • Provide a detailed written description of the business and professional activities engaged in by the suspended licensee during the period of suspension and certify that the suspended licensee was not holding out or otherwise representing him/herself as a CPA or PA during the period of suspension.
  • Submit an application for reinstatement on a form provided by the Board.
  • Submit payment of the application fee and the active renewal fee for each renewal period that the license was suspended.
Complete and report the appropriate CPE hours as follows:
  • If the license has been suspended for less than two years, complete and report 80 CPE hours plus a 16-hour CPE penalty, which must be completed within the 12 month period immediately preceding the date the reinstatement application is received at the Board office together with proof of completion certificates.
  • If the license has been suspended two years or more, complete and report 160 CPE hours plus a 16-hour CPE penalty, which must be completed within the 12 month period immediately preceding the date the reinstatement application is received at the Board office together with proof of completion certificates.
  • Complete and report four (4) CPE hours of ethics.
  • Credit for programs in non-technical subjects is limited to 16 CPE hours.
  • The holder of a suspended license shall remain in suspended status until the holder’s application for reinstatement has been approved by the Board.

(10) License holders in other jurisdictions. Licensees who hold an active license to practice public accountancy issued under the laws of another jurisdiction, whose principal place of business is in such other jurisdiction, and who wish to reinstate an Oregon license to active status must:

  • Submit a reinstatement application provided by the Board along with evidence that the applicant holds a valid license to practice public accountancy issued by another jurisdiction.
  • Submit payment of the reinstatement application fee stated in OAR 801-010-0010(1)(d) together with the renewal application fee stated in OAR 801-010-0010(3)(a).

(11) 20 Hour Minimum annual CPE requirement for active status permits. Licensees whose licenses are reinstated under this rule to active status are required to meet the 20 hour minimum annual CPE requirement on a pro-rated basis, including the month of reinstatement, until the end of the renewal period in which the licensee is reinstated.

If you have questions about firm reinstatement requirements, please contact the Board by email at​ or call the Board office at 503-378-4181.

Firm Registration Requirements

Business Organization

Any form of business organization authorized by law, including but not limited to a proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or professional corporation.

Every business organization of CPAs and PAs located in Oregon is required to register as a firm if the business organization meets any of the following conditions:

  • Uses the terms certified public accountant or public accountant, or their abbreviations
  • Holds out to clients or the public that it is engaged in the practice of public accountancy
  • Performs attest or compilation services.

A permit holder doing business as a sole proprietor is required to register as a firm if the permit holder meets either of the following conditions:

  • Holds out to clients or the public as a business organization composed of more than one licensee
  • Performs attest or compilation services.

Registration is required if a business organization organized for the practice of public accountancy is:

  • Located in Orego
  • Uses the terms "certified public accountant", "CPA", "Public Accountant", or "PA", or any derivation of such terms
  • Holds out to clients or to the publi that the business is in any way engaged in the practice of public accountancy
  • Performs attestation or compilation services.

If the business organization is not located in Oregon, they firm must register with the Oregon Board of Accountancy if:

  • Performs or offers to perform the following work in Oregon or for Oregon clients
  • Audit or other engagement for which performance standards are included in Statements on Auditing Standard (SAS), Examination of prospective financial information for which performance standards are included in the Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) or engagements for which performance standards are included in the auditing standards of Public Company Accounting OVersight Board (PCAOB)
  • Has a person, who is a license holder under ORS 673.150 or meets the substantial equivalency requirements of ORS 673.153, that is responsible for supervising attestation services and signs or authorizes someone to sign the accountant's report on the financial statements on behalf of the business organization.

Every permit holder who is performing public accountancy services as a business organization or under an assumed business name is required to register with the Secretary of State Corporations Division (503-986-2200). A date-stamped copy of the Corporation Division registration must be submitted with the application.
Firm names must comply with the requirements of OAR 801-030-0020. Firms with non-CPA/PA ownership must comply with the requirements of ORS 673.160 and OAR 801-010-0340.
Licensees may not practice public accountancy or hold out using the firm name until the licensee receives confirmation of the firm registration from the Board.
Firm registrations expire on December 31 of each odd-numbered year.
Licensees who would like to register a firm must submit an Initial Firm Registration application.

If you have questions about firm registration, please contact the Board by email at​ or call the Board office at 503-378-4181.

Information for Out-of-State Firms

Firms located outside of Oregon that do not have an Oregon branch office location may provide some services to Oregon clients through their firm registered in another jurisdiction.  Firms that intend to provide Attest services for Oregon clients must register with the Oregon Board prior to working on an engagement.   The Initial Firm Registration Application must be submitted to the Board, allowing at least 2-3 weeks for processing once all application materials are complete.

If you have questions about firm registration fees, please contact the Board by email at​ or call the Board office at 503-378-4181.

Firm Name Rules

Oregon Rule prohibits the use of any firm name that is misleading as to the organization of the firm, nature of the services provided, the number of licensees associated with or working for the firm or the indentity of individual members of the firm.  

If the firm name includes the names of non-licensee owners, no form of the CPA/PA designation may be used in the firm name. If the firm name is composed of one or more past partners, shareholders, owners or members of the business organization or its successor, the past partner, shareholder, owner or member must not be actively engaged in the practice of public accountancy as a sole proprietor in the same market area, and they must approve, in writing, the continued use of such name.  Approval by a licensee for the continued use of the licensee's name may be withdrawn by the licensee, in writing, and shall allow a reasonable period of time for the firm to withdraw such name.
The letterhead and business cards may include the CPA/PA designation after the name of each CPA/PA. Other designations held by non-CPA/PA members may also be used on letterhead or business cards.

If you have questions about the proper use of firm names, please contact the Board by email at​ or call the Board office at 503-378-4181.

Non-CPA Ownership

Applicable Statutes and Administrative Rules
ORS 673.160
OAR 801-010-0340
OAR 801-010-0345
OAR 801-030-0020(6)
ORS 673.160(4) allows CPA/PA firms in the practice of public accountancy to include non-CPAs or non-PAs as owners.
OAR 801-010-0340 and OAR 801-010-0345 address requirements for Oregon public accounting firms and should be reviewed in their entirety. This information is an outline of the provisions for non-licensee ownership of public accounting firms, but is not a comprehensive review of the requirements.  OAR 801-030-0020(6) regarding firm names should also be reviewed.
Ownership and Management

  • A simple majority of the ownership of a public accounting firm must be held by licensed CPAs or PAs; non-licensees may own no more than 49% of the equity capital and/or voting rights. If the firm's principal place of business is in Oregon and public accounting services are provided in Oregon, a majority of the CPA or PA owners must be Oregon licensees (ORS 673.160).
  • Non-CPA/PA owners of the firm may not hold out as CPAs or PAs.
  • The person who is responsible for supervising attestation or compilation services and who signs financial statements must be an Oregon licensee.

If you have questions about the non-CPA ownership of a firm, please contact the Board office by email at or by phone at 503-378-4181.

Branch Office

Management of Branch Offices

Every branch office located in this state shall be managed by a licensee holding a license issued under ORS 673.150. A licensee must be designated as responsible for managing the office, staff and services rendered to the public.

The location of each branch office in Oregon shall be reported to the Board at the time of application for registration as a firm and with each renewal application, together with a statement that each branch office meets the requirements of OAR 801-010-0345(7)(c)(A).

Internet Practice

Licensees or firms using the CPA or PA title to perform or solicit services via a website, are required to include information on the website naming the state(s) in which each CPA or PA is licensed to perform public accounting services, or provide a name and contact information for an individual who will respond within seven business days to inquiries regarding individual licensee information. Information required to be posted by this rule must be posted clearly visible and prominently displayed on the homepage.

If you have questions about requirements for branch offices, please contact the Board office by email at or by phone at 503-378-4181.