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Family and Consumer Sciences

Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)

We are the field of study focused on the science and art of living and working well in our complex world.

Through research, experiential education, and technology, our professionals help people develop the essential knowledge and skills to:

  • Lead better lives
  • Be work and career ready
  • Build strong families
  • Make meaningful contributions to our communities

Primary Areas of Focus

Sustainable practices, consumerism, and leadership principles are woven throughout these content areas:

  • Culinary arts, hospitality, and tourism
  • Education and training
  • Food science and nutrition
  • Health management and wellness
  • Housing and interior design
  • Human/child development and family relations
  • Personal and family finance
  • Textiles, apparel, and retailing

FACS and CTE Programs of Study

FACS programs in Oregon align to CTE Programs of Study in Business and Management, Human Resources, and Arts, Information and Communications career clusters.

What is Family and Consumer Sciences Education?

Family and Consumer Sciences Education is problem-based instruction that places the person at the center, assisting them in living in the complex society around them as family member, community leader, and member of the workforce. It is about educating youth to be successful and healthy people—financially, socially, emotionally, and physically—as well as assisting their development as community and workforce leaders. This is called life literacy.

Career Ready Practices

FACS supports the Oregon CTE clusters by preparing students with Career Ready Practices.

FACS educators address the Common Career and Technical Core (CCTC) career ready practices and 21st century process skills through direct instruction in goal setting, problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, decision making, management, leadership, and cooperation in family, work, and community applications.This is achieved through strategic opportunities between the FACS classroom and the Family, Community and Career Leaders—or FCCLA—student organization. For related information regarding the career ready practices, see:

FCCLA Supports Family and Consumer Sciences

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for young men and women in FACS education in public and private school through grade 12. FCCLA offers intra-curricular resources and opportunities for students to pursue careers that support families. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers, and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education.

Today, more than 244,000 student members from 5,300 chapters are active in a network of associations in 47 states and Puerto Rico. The work of FCCLA helps students and teachers focus on a variety of youth concerns, including parenting, family relationships, substance abuse, peer pressure, sustainability, nutrition and fitness, teen violence, and career preparation in four specific Career Pathways. Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life—planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making, and interpersonal communication—that are necessary in the home and workplace.

Find Oregon FCCLA updates here.

FACS in Higher Education

Want to earn an endorsement in Family and Consumer Sciences? Connect with faculty at Oregon State University to learn more about how you can become a FACS teacher.

Links for Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers

For additional information on FACS, please contact Sara Wright, Higher Education Representative, Oregon Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (ORAFCS).