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Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Connect with a new wave of entrepreneurs, makers, crafters and creators.

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What is CTE?

Career and Technical Education (CTE) embraces education, passion, and curiosity to fuel the future for Oregon students. CTE programs use 21st century technology to support students in acquiring technical skills, professional practices, and academic knowledge critical for career success in high-wage, in-demand careers.

CTE Oregon Logo

Some courses can change the course of everything.

Elena, Grant High School CTE student 
Rodney, culinary instructor 
Des, CTE student 
CTE student Moises 

Andy from PDX CNC 

CTE programs are offered in six career areas.

Fish, tree, and leaves

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Systems

Studies focus on the environment, food, and natural resources, including agriculture, earth sciences, environmental sciences, fisheries management, forestry, horticulture, water resources, wildlife management, and urban environmental management.

Video camera, computer screen and wiring

Arts, Information and Communications

Studies focus on arts, audio/video technology, digital design, programming and coding, and communications.

Light bulb, bar graph, and briefcase

Business and Management

Studies focus on business and entrepreneurial needs, including personnel management, marketing, planning, finance, and resource management. This area also includes careers in the hospitality and tourism fields.

Test tubes, heart, and stethoscope

Health Sciences

Studies focus on five career pathways, including biotechnology research and development, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and therapeutic services.

Flame, scales, and ABC blocks

Human Resources

Studies focus on a diverse range of careers, including education, child development, fire and safety, corrections, law and government, and national security.

Hard hat, wrench, and gears/pulleys

Industrial and Engineering Systems

Studies focus on technologies used to design, develop, install, operate, maintain, and upgrade physical systems. These can include engineering, mechanical systems, manufacturing technologies, precision production, construction, electrical systems, and electronics and information technologies.

CTE offers Oregon students a chance to explore different career opportunities they might like to pursue after high school through applied learning. CTE helps students discover their passion and inspires life-long learning. CTE—find yourself here.

Find a CTE course at your school

CTE programs across the state prepare students for continuing education. Many of these programs allow students to earn college credit from local community colleges. Find your school.

Student Organizations

Joining a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) is a great way to grow leadership skills and meet other CTE students at local, state, and national levels. Each organization sponsors events such as state and national skill competitions and leadership training. Learn more about CTSOs.

CTE Update

The CTE Update newsletter provides CTE news from across the state.

For more information on CTE, please contact Dan Findley.

The CTE brand logo, brand positioning, theme, and brand extensions are the property of NASDCTEc.