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JJDP Federal Fund

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) -

 Federal Fund

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Federal Fund is provided by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention for delinquency prevention and intervention activities designed to reduce risk factors for youth to commit offenses and reduce the re-offense rate and seriousness of offenses committed. The Youth Development Council serves as a State Advisory Group required to develop a three year delinquency prevention plan and recommendations for the distribution of Title II Formula grant funds and to review applications for funding.
The Title II Formula Grant Program areas include prevention and intervention, juvenile justice system improvement, and compliance with the four core requirements of the JJDPA. Thirty-five program areas are eligible for this funding stream, including alternatives to detention, child abuse and neglect, community assessment centers, court services, disproportionate minority contact, gender specific services, mentoring, mental health services, etc.

Oregon's Three-Year Planning Priorities

Oregon's Three-Year Plan will support reaching the Youth Development Strategic Plan's goals by focusing on the following objectives and related actions;

1. Goal: Systems Alignment and Transformation

Objective: Initiate and drive juvenile justice system change through agency partnerships and community relationships by promoting Positive Youth Development Model and culturally driven frameworks for supporting youth success. 

Program Area: Delinquency Prevention.

Actions: The state will invest in comprehensive juvenile justice and delinquency prevention programs that meet the needs of youth through the collaboration of the many local systems before which a youth may appear.

2. Goal: Youth Voice and Resilience

Objective: Amplifying youth voices and stories, and championing a strength and science-based approach to youth development (services, programs, policies).

Program Area: Community-Based Programs and Services

Actions: The state will support culturally specific community-based programs and services to work with youth to expand their services to include families and other positive, supportive adults.

3. Goal: Community Capacity and Justice

Objective: Building relationships and cohesion internally and externally, and applying a lens grounded in equity, relationships, and humility. More specifically, increase system capacity by helping county juvenile departments, courts, schools and other local partners to identify potential racial and ethnic disparities, identify contributing factors, evaluate and implement strategies and trainings to address and reduce the number of youth or color and indigenous youth who referred to the juvenile justice system.

Program Area: Alternatives to Detention and Placement

Actions: The state will support local agencies through planning and strategic leadership for a continuum of custody from home based supervision through shelter placement prior to placement in detention. 
The YDD/YDC will solicit applications from local eligible entities for projects that help achieve the goals and objectives identified in the section above.  All proposed projects must adhere to PYD principles, demonstrate how they intend to ensure equity in services and impact R/ED in their respective jurisdictions. 

Click on links below to access the FG Three-Year Plan and the Juvenile Crime Analysis

For more information, please contact the Oregon Youth Development Division's (YDD), Prevention and Justice team at