Unclaimed Property Oregon State Treasury helps connect Oregonians with their unclaimed money and property.
Search Unclaimed Property. Find lost funds, learned about licensed finders, search laws and rules, and access forms and reports.
Military Medals & Insignia We keep military medals and decorations safe for servicemembers and their heirs.
Holder Reporting Businesses, financial institutions, and government agencies can securely file their unclaimed property reports.
Holder Education Businesses and others with a reporting responsibility can find an upcoming seminar to learn about program compliance.
Reconnecting Oregonians With Their Lost FundsOur Unclaimed Property Program’s annual "Checks Without Claims" initiative proactively returns unclaimed property to current and former Oregonians. In 2023, the initiative returned millions of dollars in unclaimed funds to over 18,000 individuals.View Interactive Map
Checks Without ClaimsThe annual effort by Treasury proactively reconnects current and former Oregonians with their unclaimed funds.Click Here
Estates AdministrationThe Estates Administration team at Oregon State Treasury protects the assets of Oregonians who die without a will or known heirs.Learn More
Unclaimed PropertyWe keep unclaimed funds safe for their rightful owners to claim. Search to see if the state is holding money that belongs to you.Learn More