State Contracts

State Agency Contract and Procurement

Contract reporting, price agreements, bid process, OregonBuys and related resources.

The Department of Administrative Services Procurement (DASPS) is the central procurement authority for state agencies that are subject to DAS authority. 
This office develops, establishes, and administers statewide contracts for goods and services, on behalf of state government and Oregon Cooperative Procurement Program (ORCPP) members. These contract reports and descriptions reflect the diversity within the state government contracting and procurement environment.
State law gives some agencies authority to enter into contracts without DASPS. Examples include the Oregon Lottery, Judicial Department, and the Department of Transportation.

Department of Administrative Services Procurement (DASPS)Transparency Newsletter Feature: State Contracts

At-A-Glance Data Dashboards
State purchase orders by state agency/program, vendor/contractor and location.
The following PowerBI dashboard information includes contract reports and descriptions that reflect the diversity within the state government contracting and procurement environment. 

Dashboard Tips: Choose any combination of choices for your customized outcome. To clear your choices, click on chosen item or hover over the top of each container and choose the eraser icon to set data to default.

OregonBuys Contract
OregonBuys Contracts 

The Purchase Orders (contracts) published in OregonBuys during Fiscal Year 2024, Fiscal Year 2023, Fiscal Year 2022 and the 2022 Statewide Price Agreements. 

OregonBuys FY2024 Contract Report

OregonBuys FY2023 Contract Report

OregonBuys FY2022 Contract Report

OregonBuys Contract
Statewide Price Agreements

The Statewide Price Agreements CY2022 link is a spend report from statewide Price Agreements (PAs) covering January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 activity.

Statewide Price Agreements CY2022 Report
OregonBuys Contract
About OregonBuys

The OregonBuys web-based eProcurement system automates Oregon's procurement process, registration, open bids and more.

OregonBuys Multi-Year Contract Report

ORPIN Contracts
Former ORPIN Contracts

This archived contracts dataset is sorted by agency and contains all versions of contracts issued in ORPIN (Oregon Procurement Information Network) from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2021. 

ORPIN - Multi-Year Contract Report

Highway Construction Contracts Oregon
Highway Construction Contracts 

Highway Construction contracts issued through the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT).

Highway Construction Contracts
Oregon Judicial Department
Judicial Department Contracts

Data and information on both contracts and amendments issued from the Oregon Judicial Department.

Judicial Department Contracts
state of oregon treasury
State Treasurer Contracts
Multi-Year Reports from the Oregon State Treasurer include contract data and general information.

State Treasurer Contracts

Lottery Commission Contracts
Lottery Commission Contracts

This multi-year report contains a list of all contracts and contract amendments executed by Lottery. The data was extracted from the Lottery's financial system, Microsoft Dynamics 365. 

Lottery Commission Contracts

Contract Resources

Contracting with ODOT 
Contracting with ODOT
Learn how to contract with Oregon Department of Transportation, including highway & bridge construction, consultants, goods & services, and procurement resources.
Learn More

Did you know...

OregonBuys provides supplier information, public bulletins and other tools?

The OregonBuys website includes supplier registration, open bids, active contract blankets and other contract and procurement links.

OregonBuys Website

What is ORPIN (Oregon Procurement Information Network)?

Starting July 1st, 2021 Oregon transitioned into the new statewide procurement system called OregonBuys, and began reporting in July 2022.

In this report, the contract start date may be different than the contract issued date, or date the data entry was completed, and the contract was entered into ORPIN system. ORPIN was the Oregon statewide procurement system through June 16th, 2021.

ORPIN Archive Access