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About OrCPP

Oregon Cooperative Procurement Progra
m (ORCPP) uses an intergovernmental agreement with its partnering entities to provide its members with access to the following resources:

  • Over 340 statewide price agreements to purchase goods and services.
  • Unlimited advertising in the OregonBuys eProcurement System.
  • Thousands of archived solicitations in OregonBuys, to help you build new solicitations.
  • Training opportunities through DAS.
  • State of Washington Contracts - Entities must determine whether these contracts meet their purchasing rules and ORS 279 requirements.
  • ORCPP Link - emails about training opportunities, updates to price agreements, specials from DAS Surplus, and other resources.

Who is Eligible?

ORCPP-eligible entities include:

  • Units of local government - cities, counties, school districts, etc.
  • Special districts - fire, water, vector control, health, etc.
  • Oregon university and community colleges.
  • Oregon Forward Contractors (OFC).
  • American Indian tribes and agencies of American Indian tribes.
  • Certain qualifying, public benefit corporations.
  • State agencies not subject to ORS 279A.050 and DAS-implemented administrative rules, such as Lottery, Treasury, Secretary of State, etc.

How Much Does it Cost?

Participation in the program may include an annual fee based on your total organizational budget.

View the fee chart.

For More Information

Kelly Stevens-Malnar 