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Register a Business Name

Only principal brokers and property managers can apply for a registered business name (RBN).

Before you apply for an RBN

Steps to apply for an RBN

  1. Log into your personal license account in eLicense to register the business with the Agency.
  2. Click on the "Online Services" tab, and then select "Registered Business Name Application" under Business Actions.
    • Identify the responsible principal broker or property manager who will maintain the registration, including renewals.
    • Provide the physical address of the business, which must be in Oregon.
    • Attach completed affiliate or subsidiary form, if needed. 
  3. Pay a total of $310 in eLicense: $300 RBN application fee and a $10 license transfer fee for adding your license to the business.
  4. Allow 3-5 business days for processing.

The Agency will send an email when the registration is processed. Then you can add or transfer other licensees into your new business and open clients' trust accounts.