Proposed Administrative Rulemaking
The Board has initiated the following proposed rule amendments for public review and comment.
None at this time.
Rule Adopted- Effective March 1, 2025 - OAR 848 Division 40 Multiple Sections: Minimum Standards for Physical Therapy Practice and Documentation. Based on stakeholder input, the Board convened an external rule advisory committee (RAC) comprised of licensees
from around the state and from various practice settings to review and discuss OAR 848 Division 40. The RAC made
recommendations for clarifications and simplification of rules in this division to address documentation and record
keeping, as well as clarify requirements for standards for initial evaluation and reexamination (formally reassessment). The notice outlines the proposed amendments to existing rules.
Please review the filing here:
Anticipated Administrative Rulemaking for 2025The Board updates this projected schedule of anticipated rulemaking activity at each board meeting. The schedule is
subject to change.
• Additional work with current Rule Advisory Committee (RAC) to address OAR 848 Division 40 section on Discharge
OAR 848-040-0170; bring recommendations to Board for consideration in March with possible initiation of administrative rulemaking at that time.
• Rules to implement pre-determination requests pursuant to SB 1552, section 44, amending ORS 670 (in effect 7/1/2025).
• Rules to implement Dec 2024 amendments to Section 705A of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) 50 U.S.C. 4025a) as a result of
US HR 5009.• Rule amendment to adopt the 2025-2027 Biennium Budget.
• Possible: Any rules required as a result of legislative session.
• Possible: Rule amendments to adopt any new Physical Therapy Compact Commission (PTCC) rules, if enacted.