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Member annual statements: Individual Account Program (IAP) only FAQ

Information on this webpage applies to members who receive an annual statement only with information about an IAP account. PERS calls these “IAP-only” statements.

If you received one of these statements, the top of your statement will say “IAP Annual Statement” instead of "Member Annual Statement” and will look like this: 

IAP Annual Statement example  

Read on for possible reasons why you received an IAP-only statement, as well as for answers to other questions you may have.

You may have received one of these statements for a few reasons:

  • You retired before 2011.
  • You withdrew the value of your pension account.
  • You are an Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) member who withdrew the value of your IAP account.
  • PERS is reviewing your account information and membership status.
If you retired before 2011 …

… you were not required to take distributions from your IAP when you retired from your pension. The requirement to retire from both an IAP account and a pension, whether Tier One, Tier Two or Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP), did not begin until January 1, 2011.

Consequently, if you retired prior to 2011 but left your IAP intact, you will continue to get IAP-only annual statements until you submit a retirement application for your IAP.

As a pre-2011 retiree, you have the option to retire from the IAP at any time.

If you previously withdrew your pension account …

… but did not or could not withdraw your IAP account balance at that time, you may still have an IAP account balance.

If you are eligible to retire (see eligibility criteria for Tier One/Tier Two or OPSRP) and want to receive funds from your IAP (in a lump sum or installments), you can apply to retire from your IAP, provided you are no longer working for any PERS-participating employers.

If you are not yet eligible to retire and want to cash out your IAP, you can apply to withdraw your IAP balance. You must have stopped working for all PERS-participating employers for at least one calendar month.

Remember: PERS staff cannot provide financial planning advice, including whether to leave your money in your IAP account or to take distributions if you are no longer working for a PERS-participating employer. To learn about how your IAP is invested, visit

If you are an OPSRP member who previously withdrew your IAP account …

… you may have a remaining IAP balance, as indicated on the IAP statement you received. You can request distribution of the additional IAP amount by submitting all of the following forms:

PERS is analyzing your account …

… because your employer may have submitted incomplete or inaccurate information. When potential omissions or errors surface, PERS must review your eligibility and membership status. For example, PERS may need to check your employment dates with your PERS-participating employer(s) to see if you are correctly classified as a Tier One/Tier Two or OPSRP member.

The goal of these reviews is to ensure the accuracy of your account and membership information so that we can help you avoid confusion about what your retirement benefits are and help you avoid any surprises when you apply for retirement.

You can also review pension information through Online Member Services (OMS).

For more information, contact Member Services via phone or email.

​Yes – starting September 2020, nonretired members are able to voluntarily make an election, once per year, directing which IAP target-date fund they want their funds invested. This is called a Member Choice Election.

Any eligible choice made by the annual September 30 deadline, will go into effect January 1, of the following year. Example: if you made a member choice election in 2020, it first becomes effective for calendar year 2021, which means you first see your member choice annual investment returns on your 2021 statement, sent in spring 2022.

For more details and information on how to change your TDF, visit IAP target-date funds.

​Fill out an IAP Preretirement Designation of Beneficiary form to name someone to receive your benefits should you die before withdrawing your account or retiring. New beneficiary designations supersed​e all past selections.

​​Talk to PERS

Member Services can answer your questions about your IAP-only situation, and more, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 888-320-7377 or email You also can use PERS’ Submit a Question form online.


See our IAP information webpage for forms and links to various information about IAP accounts.

If you need help reading and interpreting other details on your member annual statement, see our Tier One, Tier Two or OPSRP interactive example statements for guidance.

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