Youth may receive letters or stamps. If they do not have stamps, we will provide them with up to three per week. You may send them more stamps or they can purchase a book of stamps at the canteen. Tillamook YCF provides youth with paper and envelopes. Mail going out from youth is subject for review.
All incoming mail must have the youth’s full legal name and a return address.
Magazine subscriptions are discouraged. Subscriptions to religious materials are acceptable with approval from the youth’s case coordinator.
All incoming mail will be opened and inspected for contraband. This is to keep all youth and staff safe.
The following types of mail are not allowed, and may be rejected:
- Mail with escape plans or plans to commit a crime or violate facility rules.
- Sexually explicit material.
- Contraband items, including but not limited to weapons, explosives, medications, electronic items, negotiable instruments (orders or promises to pay money), or photos with chemical substances on the back.
- Mail from other incarcerated people, including other youth at OYA facilities, unless the facility superintendent approves in advance.
- Mail to or from the youth’s victims, including through third parties, unless the facility superintendent approves in advance.
- Publications that are contraband or harmful to a youth’s reformation.
- Mail with attachments or enclosures that are glued, taped, or otherwise affixed to the envelope or its contents, such as stickers.
- Mail that does not have a sending or return address.
- Unauthorized business transactions, such as subscription promotions or credit card requests or applications.
If your mail is rejected, we will notify you and your youth within five business days of when we reject it. The notification will include information on who it was from, why it was returned, and how to appeal.
Read OYA's mail policy.