Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Committee (SOGIEC)
This committee makes policy, training and service recommendations to support the needs of youth whose identities include diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expression in Oregon Youth Authority facilities and community placements. The SOGIEC also reviews and makes decisions on the appropriate placement and support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, gender diverse, gender fluid and intersex (LGBTQ+) youth upon intake to an OYA facility and responds to LGBTQ+ youth requests for services. The SOGIEC may also make recommendations to Community Services staff regarding OYA community transgender, gender diverse and intersex youth issues upon request.
The SOGIEC core members include:
- OYA Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations director or designee
- OYA medical director
- OYA Development Services assistant director
- OYA supervising psychologist or designee
- OYA chief of facility operations or designee
- OYA Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) coordinator
- OYA chief of parole and probation or designee
OYA Community Resources Unit representative
OYA facility superintendent
OYA intake facility superintendents or designees
OYA Behavioral Health Services coordinator
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Committee request form
LGBTQ+ Advisory Group
OYA also has a LGBTQ+ advisory committee for members of the outside community to help inform the agency's policy.
Membership of LGBTQ+ Advisory Group:
- Ardell Bailey, OYA Development Services
- Ahnjene Boleyn, Oregon DHS Child Welfare
- Jenn Burleton, TransActive Gender Project
- Doug Cooper, OYA Volunteer
- Deven Edgerton, OYA Foster Care
- Erin Fuimaono, OYA Development Services
- Griselda Solano-Salinas, OIIR Director
- Seth Johnstone, Basic Rights Oregon
- Galli Murray, Suicide Prevention Coordinator, Clackamas County
- Christina McMahan, Clackamas County Juvenile Department
- Melanie Parent, Department of Human Services
- Danni/y Rosen, Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)/OYA Volunteer
- Kelli Russel, A Village for One
- Liz Schwarz, OYA Development Services
- Lori Torres, Janus Youth Programs
Community providers
OYA also contracts with providers in the community. This includes therapists who have expertise in meeting the needs of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as volunteers who come into OYA facilities to host support groups and events.
Rivera House

Rivera House is a
residential program run by Janus Youth Programs the provides supports for LGBTQ+ youth. Read more about it on our blog.
To learn more about Rivera House, contact:
Eric Wall
Community Resources Specialist