Place-based integrated water resources planning is rooted in the idea that place matters, that water management activities should be integrated and coordinated, and that planning can help the people of Oregon collectively envision and chart a path towards a more balanced and secure water future.
Orients knowledge, decisions, and actions around the specific context of a place in a way that recognizes and strengthens the connection between people and place and empowers people to work together to achieve a shared vision of that place.
Integrated Water Resources:
An approach that "promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems and the environment."
Global Water Partnership
A process used to align people, information, ideas, and resources, in order to 1) identify and understand an issue, need, or opportunity that requires action, 2) envision desired future outcomes, 3) develop and evaluate strategies and actions to achieve the desired outcomes, 4) implement agreed upon strategies and actions, and 5) monitor, evaluate, and adapt as needed.