In LEDS 20/20, LEDS Representatives from local agencies are now TACs (Terminal Agency Coordinators). This is a term from FBI CJIS, and will be used to refer to LEDS Reps. As the TAC for your agency, you will be responsible for training users at your agency, as well as creating all User Accounts for your agency.
Once your agency is interested in the LEDS 20/20 Application you will need to fill out the LEDS 20/20 Enrollment form. This form tells us how you agency needs to be configured in the application and allows us to enable certain presets. This form also identifies contact points for you agency for the application.
LEDS 20/20 Enrollment Form
If your agency has many users, you will work with the LEDS 20/20 team to compile a list of users and we will load those accounts into LEDS 20/20 for your agency. We load agency users on a monthly basis (or as needed).
Additionally, OSP will host two 'Train the Trainer' sessions during the 3rd week of every month that you will be required to attend. These sessions will cover how to use LEDS 20/20 as well as creating and managing user accounts through the eAgent Client Manager (or the ECM).
LEDS 2020 Enrollment Username Master