The LEDS 20/20 Project, formerly known as the CrimeVue Replacement Project, officially began in February 2017, though work towards the project started several years earlier. Oregon State Police LEDS (Law Enforcement Data Systems) partnered with Diverse Computing, Inc. to replace the 20-year-old hardware and software of LEDS with a modern, faster, and standardized system.
Tasks relating to the replacement of the Oregon LEDS Message Switch, Oregon Hot Files, and the Oregon Criminal History Repository were completed in January of 2020. The project is currently in the process of developing applications for use within the Oregon State Police Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) Division to facilitate updates to the Firearms Background Check Unit, the Computerized Criminal History (CCH) Unit, and the ABIS (Automated Biometric Information Systems – Fingerprinting) Unit.
The LEDS 20/20 Project also includes an application, known as the LEDS 20/20 Application, for use at any Oregon LEDS Agency. This application was originally developed by Diverse Computing, Inc. over 5 years ago, streamlined for use in Oregon, and re-branded in Oregon as the LEDS 20/20 Application. The LEDS 20/20 Application is available at no-cost to any Oregon LEDS Agency. A demonstration of the LEDS 20/20 application is conducted on the first Tuesday of every month, please e-mail for an invitation.