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Oregon State Marine Board's New Flagship Video
Welcome to the Water

Recreational boating in Oregon has it all; from high Cascade Mountain lakes to the mighty Pacific Ocean and everything in between. The Oregon State Marine Board invites you to explore and marvel at the magnificent diversity of waterways the state has to offer. Whether by motor, sail, oar, paddle, or wind...Come Play!

Find a boating access site near you, using our mobile-enabled Boat Oregon Online Map.

Facility Highlight: Port of Bandon

The Port of Bandon boat launch basin improvements include dredging, a new boat ramp, boarding docks, an abutment, and new piling. The marina improvements include new docks: a breakwater dock, short-term tie-up docks, long-term moorage docks, and a new, nonmotorized boat launching dock

Plus, new pilings, gangway, and utilities! The pumpout and dump station are also located on the new marina docks.

The pumpout and dump station are reinstalled on the new marina docks.

The Marine Board approved grant funding with your boating dollars, leveraged with other funding from the following sources: 

  • Federal ODFW Sport Fish Restoration of $1.0 million
  • OSMB Waterway Access Grant of $145,100
  • Federal grant to OSMB using Clean Vessel Act funds of $61,827
  • Federal OSMB Boating Infrastructure Grant $762,283
  • OSMB Boating Facility Grant of $1,020,899
  • Wild River Coast Alliance of $200,000
  • American Rescue Plan Act of $2.8 million
  • Port of Bandon with $3.0 million

Project Total $8,990,109 million

Boat Oregon Store Gets Easier

We've made changes to the store so it's easier to access! If you have a single motorboat registration to renew, simply click on the Boat Renewal Tab at Enter your boat's OR number and click the "Log In" button. 

For a Full Account Access

On the Account tab, enter your established User ID and Password, then click the Log In button. 

If you receive an error of "Invalid Login," it means the boat is currently registered or the boat registration is in "expired" status after having not been renewed in a few years. 

We hope you find this change helpful and take advantage of the online store. It's fast, safe and secure. 

Outfitter Guide Dashboard

Did you know in 2024, there are 1574 registered outfitter guides in Oregon? If you want to experience a new adventure,(like river rafting), go with a Marine Board-registered outfitter guide. You can look up the registration status and business standing of outfitter guides operating in Oregon with the digital dashboard. 

The Oregon State Marine Board registers outfitter guides and charters who provide outdoor recreational activities for compensation on land or water they do not own or control. This includes land and water tours using mechanical or animal (horses for example) means.

When you explore Oregon with a registered outfitter guide, you can rest assured they are adequately insured, bonded (if required), have basic First Aid/CPR skills, carry the required minimum safety equipment and if using a motorized boat for the business, they carry either a US Coast Guard license or OSMB Motorized Passenger Boat Operator’s Certification depending upon the waterbody. Outfitter Guides also agree to conduct themselves according to a set of Ethical and Professional Standards and are held accountable through reporting mechanisms and enforcement. 


How to Purchase Waterway Access Permits

We sell 7-day Waterway Access Permits online! Annual permits, which are valid for one (or two) calendar years, are also available from our online store. The best time to purchase annual permits is early in the new year.

Permit sales fund facility and education grants to serve nonmotorized boaters and help fund aquatic invasive species boat inspection stations.

Purchasing is easy:

1. Go to
2. Click Online Services in the upper right-hand corner
3. Click the link for the permit option you want
4. Click Register to create an account and follow the prompts 

Your Boating Dollars for Access

With nearly 1,700 boating access sites in the state, you can now see where your boating dollars are invested around the state. This robust digital app allows you to search for a specific facility, fly into the visual map, or scroll for a list of projects since 2017. Tabs at the top of the interactive map allow you to look at specific funding buckets. 

The app is a work in progress and past data is continually added! Every motorboat registration and waterway access permit helps fund grants to facility owners to improve or develop new boating access for boaters. The agency leverages grant funds to double or sometimes triple the overall investment. Our facilities are designed with longevity and safety in mind, so the next generation of boaters can continue enjoying our waterways and create new memories! 

The Fastest Way to Renew Your Motorboat Registration is Online

The new year means many boat owners may have expired motorboat registrations. 

Registration notices were emailed to owners in November 2024 (check your spam folder!) If we don't have an email address on file, notices were sent via US Mail. Only owners whose boats expired on December 31, 2024, were notified.

Remember to follow the decal placement requirements for the bow of your boat. Instructions are also mailed with current registration decals (stickers).

Motorboat registrations are valid for two calendar years.

More News

The agency has a lot of fantastic work underway for 2025, including attending more outdoor events and fieldwork. Follow us on social media at #BoatOregon (links in the footer). We'd also like to sincerely thank everyone who participated in our Open Houses in 2024 or participated in our rulemaking process.

Boat/Sportsmen's Shows

Come visit us at the Portland Boat Show, January 8-12, 2025 at the Portland Expo Center! We'll also have booths at the PNW Sportsmen's, Eugene Exposure, Central Oregon Sportsmen's and Saltwater Shows.

Boating Safety Education

Are you new to paddling? Do you operate a motorboat over 10 hp? Do you operate in the Newberg Pool on the Willamette? The Marine Board offers a variety of online and classroom courses to help you build your skills. 

2025 Full Legislative Session

The agency is presenting one concept to restructure outfitter guide fees to align with federal interstate commerce laws. We will also present our agency's 2025-2027 budget. Information is posted on our website's Agency Info tab if you want to participate in the legislative process.

Email Subscriptions

We offer two subscriptions: Boat Oregon News, which are our news releases and public notices, and our Opportunities and Access Report, specifically highlighting important local information and suggestions for places to explore. Want to receive these communications via email? Subscribe today!


Other Agency Programs

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Clean Boater

Learn how YOU can be a Clean BoaterCome to the agency office and receive a free Clean Boater bag! Clean Boater Bags will also be given to Boat Oregon classroom instructors to hand out to folks who complete our boating safety course.

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Charter, Outfitter & Guide Program

Want to try Whitewater Rafting or other boating activity but aren't sure where to start? Go with a registered Outfitter Guide! Use the Marine Board's Boat Oregon Store to see what businesses are in good standing and meet the safety and legal requirements so you know you're in good hands for your adventure. Click on the Online Services link and select "Guides and Charters Lists." Did you know that any recreation guide needs to register with the Marine Board? Yep...this includes ATV/Dune Buggies, equestrian riding, rock climbing, wilderness adventures, and more! 

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Agency Budget

Your registration, title, and permit fees, as well as marine fuel taxes, help fund the Marine Board, No lottery, general fund tax dollars or local facility parking fees support the agency or its programs Boater-paid fees support recreational boaters through boating safety services (on-water law enforcement, training and equipment), boating safety education, grants for the construction and maintenance of boating access facilities, and environmental protection programs. Check out the revenue and expenditure projections for the 2019-2021 biennium.

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Connect with us Online!


And Sign Up for Boat Oregon News for news releases announcing rulemaking, board meetings, and other pertinent boating safety information, sent to your email.

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Abandoned Derelict Vessel Program

Recreational boats are abandoned or become derelict for many reasons.  Derelict and abandoned vessels can cause various problems in and outside of marinas, including water quality degradation, pollution, and damage to public and private property when they sink or go adrift. In marinas, they take up valuable slip space and can be a source of pollution. They also decrease the aesthetic value of the area and create hazards for responsible boaters. Learn how to responsibly dispose/recycle your boat when it's past its useful life. Be a part of the solution. 

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Marine Law Enforcement

The agency contracts with 31 county sheriff's offices and the Oregon State Police to provide on-the-water marine patrol services. Over 42% of the Marine Board's revenue goes toward marine law enforcement contracts and includes cost-sharing for enforcement boats and equipment, marine training for boat handling and enforcing marine laws, and special emphasis patrols to address localized boating safety issues.  In cases of a serious boat accident, the agency enlists the expertise of a handful of specially-trained officers (Boat Accident Investigation Team) to do a comprehensive, forensic reconstruction. Marine law enforcement also provides front-line on-water safety to boaters in need and helps evaluate and mitigate (where possible) waterway obstructions. Some county programs also have marine law enforcement certified for dive team operations, swift water rescue, and recovery. 

In addition to these duties, marine law enforcement frequently posts boating safety signage at boat ramps, replaces and re-anchors informational/regulatory buoys, proctors boating safety equivalency exams, and goes to local area schools and events to teach boating and water safety. 

Image of blue lights atop a boat for marine law enforcement
If you see a flashing blue light or hear a siren, slow down to the slowest possible speed to maintain steering. When going by a stationary law enforcement boat displaying their blue lights, a 200' slow-no wake zone is in effect around their boat. 

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