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Upper Rogue River Rules for Boat Operations

Adopted by the Oregon State Marine Board on January 23, 2025 

Rules in effect February 1, 2025

Rule Language:

Boat Operations in Jackson County, OAR 250-020-0151  

(9) Upper Rogue River and its Tributaries:

(a) No person shall use a motor in excess of 15 horsepower to propel a boat on the main stem of the Rogue River above Dodge Bridge County Park and Rogue River tributaries, between Fishers Ferry County Park and William L. Jess Dam, (Lost Creek Dam).

(b) In the event that the river flow rate drops below a three-day average flow of 1350 cubic feet per second, (CFS), or equivalent water level of 3.20 feet, as measured by the United States Geological Survey – USGS – 14339000 Rogue River at Dodge Bridge, near Eagle Point OR, use of a motor in excess of 15 horsepower shall be restricted between Fishers Ferry County Park and Dodge Bridge County Park. Restriction shall maintain in place until the three-day average flow increases above 1350 CFS.

(c) In addition to the above restrictions,

  1. Charter boats may not operate upstream of Table Rock Road Bridge.
  2. Charter boats may only operate between Table Rock Road Bridge and Fishers Ferry County Park between May 8 and September 10.
  3. For purposes of this section, a charter boat is a motorized boat used to carry seven or more passengers for hire for angling, sightseeing or other recreational purposes.



River Gauge for flows in Cubic Feet per Second - CFS) at Dodge Bridge

Temporary Signage was installed at the following boating access sites: 

  • Fishers Ferry County Park
  • TouVelle State Park
  • Dodge Bridge County Park
  • Takelma County Park
  • Upper Rogue Regional County Park
  • Rogue Elk County Park
  • Casey County Park
  • McGregor Park Boat Ramp

Temporary signage placed at nearby access sites