Aquatic Safety, Science and Stewardship Education Program
Everyone loves the water, especially children. Do you want to teach practical skills to help children play safely in it?
Why not teach them about water safety and aquatic stewardship?
Oregon has a bounty of waterways—the ocean, rivers, and lakes—so there are many opportunities for kids to connect with the water. The Marine Board's K-12 Water Wits content gives students a unique exposure to the outdoors.
The Water Wits program encourages safety, and how to give back to the environment and teaches scientific principles. The program is diverse, interactive, and can be student-led.
The curriculum includes 12 complete lesson plans, divided into grade units (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12th grades):
Lessons follow state and national education standards. Next Generation Science and Common Core, and across subjects.
Each unit contains 3-4 lesson plans with suggestions for how to adapt the activity for your students.
Each lesson can be done in one class period, but many offer rich opportunities for more time.
Suggestions for additional activities are also included.
We hope you and your students will enjoy this program while learning to be safe and care for Oregon's amazing waterways.
If you have any questions, please contact MariAnn McKenzie, Boating Safety Education Coordinator, at 503-378-5158 or
If you have any questions, please contact MariAnn McKenzie, Boating Safety Education Coordinator, at 503-378-5158 or