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Smoke Alarm Installation Program for Fire Agencies

The OSFM smoke alarm installation program provides smoke alarms to Oregon fire agencies to install in homes without them.


  • Your agency must have a fire department identification (FDID) number. If you are unsure of your FDID number, email
  • Your agency must have provided the population information for your service area to OSFM for the most recent Annual Report Supplement.
  • Your agency must be in good standing with previous OSFM smoke alarm installation projects.
  • Your agency must be National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) compliant:

    • Cannot be missing more than one month of fire incident data over the previous 12-month period.
    • Must report responses to all fire incidents.
    • Failure to report incident data for at least a year after approval will result in ineligibility for future projects.


  • Applicant must complete program training. For more class information and a list of upcoming training opportunities, click here. If scheduled dates do not meet your needs, please contact

    • To help make sure your application is processed as quickly and accurately as possible, please wait to submit the application until after the training is completed.
  • Submit a smoke alarm installation program application (see below). Approval or denial emails will be sent by the OSFM within 10 business days.
  • Install smoke alarms, complete an installation/waiver form for each residence where alarms are installed, & return completed waivers to the OSFM within 90 days of receipt of alarms. 
    • Smoke alarms from the SAIP must be installed by a member of your agency & according to NFPA 72 standards.
    • Waivers can be scanned & emailed to or returned by postal mail.
    • If you need additional time to complete the installations, please contact us.
  • When the project is complete, you may apply again.

The number of smoke alarms that can be ordered per project is based on the fire district population:

Population Ranges and Corresponding Number of Alarms

Population# of Alarms
25 - 9,999
1 - 25
10,000 - 49,9991 - 50
50,000 - 99,9991 - 75
100,000+1 - 100

If you have an open project, please wait until you receive a closure email before applying for a new project.

Smoke Alarm Installation Program Project Application