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Board and Committee Meeting Schedule

Meeting Documents

Public Comment Period

This time is available for individuals wanting to address the Board or Committee on non-agenda items. The Board will not take action on non-agenda items raised under public comment at this meeting.  Public comment on agenda items will only be heard if, in the Board President or Committee Chair’s discretion, time allows.

Issues to remember when addressing the Board or Committee: 
  • All public comment is subject to the discretion of the Board President or Committee Chair, to include: order of commenters, length of comments, comment topics, etc.  The Board President or Committee Chair also determines if public comments will be heard at all during a meeting.
  • Please note, Oregon’s Public Meetings Law is a public attendance law, not a public participation law. While the Board or Committee may elect to hear public comment, the public comment period is not a time for open dialogue between the Board members and the public, Board or Committee discussion, or deliberation. Topics raised during public comment may, at the discretion of the Board or Committee, be formally included on the agendas of future meetings.
  • Please sign-in prior to entering the conference room.  Include your full name, the business or organization you’re representing (if applicable), and the topic of discussion.
  • The Board President or Committee Chair will call you to stand and provide your comments.  Please state your name and business or organization you represent (if applicable) prior to beginning your comments.
  • Always address your comments to the Board President or Committee Chair.
If written material is included, please provide Board staff with one electronic file or 14 printed copies of each pertinent document (if an electronic file is not available) at least 24 hours prior to the posted meeting time.