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Fort Stevens State Park Guard House

Scaffolding surrounding the Fort Stevens Guard House Scaffolding surrounding the Fort Stevens Guard House. June 2024

About the Fort Stevens State Park Guard House

The Guard House is an historic structure that contributed to the 1971 listing of the Fort Stevens Military Reservation (in the park) to the National Register of Historic Places. Built in 1911, it was used for temporary confinement of military personnel. One of three guardhouses of this style that remains in existence, it retains a high level of historic integrity. The Fort Stevens Guard house is the only one to contain original elements, such as jail cells and plumbing. For the past 30 years, it was used as a seasonal interpretive museum.


The Guard House needs extensive rehabilitation work to protect the historic materials and character of the building and repair the weather-damaged roof.

Planned improvements include:

  • Repair roof structure rot and perform other maintenance and replace the slate roof.
  • Repair and repoint the bricks (joint repair) and stonework.
  • Repair and restore windows and doors.
  • Add landscape improvements to stop water leaks in the basement.
  • Upgrade electrical connections for lighting, heating and climate controls.

Short-term visitor impact

No impact.


  • Asbestos abatement project completed.
  • Roof rehabilitation project documents drafted.
  • Construction contract awarded to Bremik Construction.

Next Steps

  • Commence construction.
The current general obligation bond estimate is $2.5-3.5 million.
Last updated June 2024. Additional updates as information becomes available.

General Obligation Bonds Overview

The 2021 Oregon Legislature passed SB 5506 that approved general obligation bonds to revitalize parks and campgrounds. The Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission approved a preliminary list of projects in November 2021.

The Fort Stevens State Park Guard House project is one of two projects at the park approved to receive funds from bond sales.

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