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Technical Resources

Heritage Bulletins

Heritage Bulletins provide technical information and tips on topics of interest to organizations and individuals involved in heritage. Below are the Heritage Bulletins divided by category. We are in the process of updating the links within the Bulletins. If you find a link that does not work, please email

Position Papers

Commissions will periodically take a position on a subject or practice related to the Commission's work. Below are the current position papers related to the Commissions/committees coordinated under Oregon Heritage.

Additional Resources

Below are some additional resources that are divvied up by subject matter. Many of these resources offer trainings and resources to help with heritage preservation work.

​Are you considering applying for any of grants or tax incentives through our office for an old or historic building?  Do you have questions about meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation?

Joy will provide a broad overview of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and discuss ways to ensure that your project meets the Standards. After the presentation, Joy will answer project-specific questions or hypothetical situations regarding meeting the Standards.

​National Park Service Preservation Briefs
The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation
Restore Oregon's Preservation Toolkit
NPS National Register of Historic Places Bulletins


Collection Plan and Policy Examples and Resources

Collections Ethics


Oregon Laws


Board Roles & Responsibilites

Policies & Procedures
Planning & Prioritization




​What's Up Downtown? A Playbook for Activating Oregon's Upper Stories

A study exploring barriers and solutions to activate underused upper floors and tools to support activation locally.

Study & Report

  • What's Up Downtown? A Playbook for Activating Oregon's Upper Stories - executive summary
  • What's Up Downtown? A Playbook for Activating Oregon's Upper Stories - complete report

Tools to support upper story development


This project was in completed by the State Historic Preservation Office in partnership with the University of Oregon Institute for Policy Research & Engagement. It was funded in part by the Oregon Cultural Trust.

Special thanks to Oregon Main Street Network organizations who shared experience and responded to surveys. To Lebanon Downtown Association and the City of Lebanon for supporting the model inventory. To the project advisory team organizations: Homes for Good, Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon, Oregon Building Codes Division, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, Oregon Department of Transportation. And to additional advisory organizations Business Oregon, Oregon Housing and Community Services, Regional Solutions, and the University of Oregon.

The Heritage Organization's Guide to Creating and Cleaning Up Collection Information was developed in response to those looking to create a system to preserve and track the information about their collection or those that want to cleanup their systems full of collection information that may be inconsistent or inaccurate with staff/volunteer turnover over time.

This guide will help:

  • Demystify jargon and standards associated with maintaining a database or system of collection information
  • Illustrate the power of good collection information (data) and the many ways good data can help your organization accomplish its mission
  • Provide a guide to creating your organization's collection information (data) guide
  • Provide a path for reviewing, assessing, and cleaning up your collection information (data)
  • And for those using PastPerfect, this guide includes a case study that includes the review, assessment, and cleanup plan for a heritage organization using PastPerfect.

This project was funded by the Oregon Cultural Trust. Credits also include Relicura as a content contributor to the Guide and consultant that conducted and documented the PastPerfect Case Study and Northwest Digital Heritage for review, feedback, and editing.

The Heritage Organization's Guide to Creating and Cleaning Up Collection Information (full guide with appendices).

Disaster Preparedness, Recovery & Resilience Resources