Funeral Service Practitioner (FSP) Apprentices work a minimum of 1440 hours and must be directly involved in the following during the apprenticeship period under the supervision of a licensed funeral service practitioner:
(a) At least 25 arrangements that include tasks listed in OAR 830-030-0004.
(b) For the purpose of this section, "arrangement" means funeral services or final dispositions for at need persons, fully from the initial contact through the disposition of remains.
(c) For the purpose of this section, "supervision" means that each arrangement shall be performed by an apprentice funeral service practitioner only after receiving direction from a licensed funeral service practitioner.
Information/Documentation Required to Apply:
In accordance with OAR 830-011-0020(5), each applicant must submit the following:
- Completed application through Applicant Portal.
- Appropriate fee.
- Copy of birth certificate.
- Satisfactory proof of high school graduation or equivalency.
- If an apprentice applicant does not have a high school diploma:
- The applicant must present satisfactory evidence that they possess the equivalent of a high school education received in private, public, or trade school, or
- Must successfully pass the high school equivalency test (General Education Development Test) given by the local high school, or some similar equivalency test conducted by a similar agency.
Accepted forms of proof: certified copies or scanned and photo copies of high school diploma, transcripts or equivalent, or higher degree.
Additionally, each applicant must provide the following:
- Name of intended supervisor
- Photo of the Applicant
- 10 Years of Residential History
- 10 Years of Employment History
- Documentation related to any prior convictions or administrative actions, if applicable
- Verification of any other Professional Licenses that you hold, in Oregon or any other states/jurisdictions
Licenses are valid for up to 1 year. Licenses expire on December 31. The initial license fee is $50, and renewing the license is $25.
An FSP apprentice must keep a log book on the premises of the licensed facility where he or she is supervised, showing all arrangements made or participated in by the apprentice.
FSP Apprentice Log Sample: PDF
Please note- an FSP Apprenticeship and an Embalmer Apprenticeship can run concurrently.