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Publications: Forms, Reports, Signs


Liquor Licensing Forms, Publications, & Resources

NEW Local Government Recommendation Form
Note: There are separate versions for Annual Liquor Licenses and Special Event Licenses. Please make sure that you are using the correct form. At least sections 1 and 2 of the form must be completed and submitted to the local government prior to applying with the OLCC. Once you receive a response from the local government, you will need to upload that documentation as part of your online CAMP application.

Additionally, some local governments provide their own documentation that can also satisfy this requirement. You may use either the OLCC-provided Local Government Recommendation Form or your local government's own document, as long as your submission contains at least the following pieces of information:

  • Date the local government received the application
  • Trade Name of the business
  • Premises street address (where the business will be located)
  • Name of the local government (city or county name)
  • That the submission is for a Liquor License

How do I find my local government?
To find the correct local government for your application, we recommend searching the internet for “Your City or County” + OLCC Liquor License. This will typically return a search result that will help guide you to the appropriate office in your jurisdiction. Common departments for processing LGB recommendations include Planning & Development, Civic Life, or the Sheriff’s Office; however, each local government is different.

For Liquor License Applicants within the City of Portland, click here: City of Portland.

Recreational Marijuana Forms, Publications & Resources

OAR 845-025-2860 requires a Recreational Marijuana Retailer to place certain postings in a conspicuous place and to provide consumer health and safety information with each sale of a marijuana item. All postings must be 17 inches wide by 22 inches high. The marijuana information card must measure 3.5 by 5 inches. You must use the versions of these documents provided by the Commission.

CBD and Consumable Hemp Items: Information on No Sales to Minors

Educate Before You Recreate Poster

Marijuana Information Card (Single)

Marijuana Messaging Card (4x)

Oral Health Cannabis Poster

Poisoning Prevention Poster

Pregnancy Warning Poster

Secure Your Cannabis - Information Cards (4 designs)

Secure Your Cannabis/Asegura Tu Cannabis - Information Cards/Tarjetas de Información ~Spanish/Español (4 designs/bocetos)

Vaping Illness - CDC Recommendations 

Marijuana Licensing and Permit Fees

  • Application Fee (Initial License & Renewal): $250 (non-refundable)
  • Producers:
    • Micro Tier I $1,000 yearly fee
    • Micro Tier II $2,000 yearly fee
    • Tier I $3,750 yearly fee
    • Tier II $5,750 yearly fee
  • Processors: $4,750 yearly fee
  • Wholesalers: $4,750 yearly fee
  • Micro Wholesalers: $1,000 yearly fee
  • Retailers: $4,750 yearly fee
  • Laboratories: $4,750 yearly fee
  • Sampling Laboratory: $2,250 yearly fee
  • Research Certificate: $4,750 fee is for a three-year term
  • Hemp Certificate: $1,000 yearly fee
  • Renewal Application Fee: $250 non-refundable
  • Renewal Licensee Fee: Same as your license fee listed above
  • Marijuana Worker Permit Fee: $100 permit is for a five-year term
  • Criminal background checks: $50 per individual listed on a license application if the background check is not part of an initial or renewal application
  • Transfer of Location of Premises Fee: $1,000 per license
  • Packaging Preapproval: $100
  • Labeling Preapproval: $100
  • Change to Previously Approved Package or Label: $25
  • Transferring Packaging or Labeling Application to Another Individual or Entity: $25 per application

Oregon voters passed Ballot Measure 119, requiring OLCC licensed processors, retailers, medical only processors, medical only retailers, research certificates and labs to provide the OLCC with a signed labor peace agreement (LPA) or attestation prior to licensure or renewal. The new law went into effect December 5, 2024. Any application for a license or renewal application received on or after December 5, 2024 will be required to include: 
  • A signed labor peace agreement entered into between the applicant and a bona fide labor organization actively engaged in representing or attempting to represent the applicant’s employees; or
  • An attestation signed by the applicant and the bona fide labor organization stating that the applicant and the bona fide labor organization have entered into and will abide by the terms of a labor peace agreement.

To find information about the medical marijuana program, please visit the OregonHeath Authority's Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) Homepage.

For information specific for medical sites subject to tracking in CTS, visit OLCC's OMMP Tracking Homepage.

These worksheets are intended to assist registrants and licensees in recording necessary information for tracking information in the cannabis tracking system (CTS or "Metrc.")

Use of these worksheets is not required and they do not replace the requirement to enter information in CTS. They are provided solely as a resource for users to collect all necessary information for tracking activities in CTS.

These forms are fillable electronically through use of Adobe Acrobat Reader or they may be printed and filled by hand.

Worksheet: Clone/Seedling Destruction

Worksheet: Harvest Completion

Worksheet: Harvest Creation

Worksheet: Harvest Waste

Worksheet: Immature to Vegetative

Worksheet: New Package from Harvest

Worksheet: New Package from Package

Worksheet: New Plant Batch

Worksheet: Processor SOPs and Mix Logs

Worksheet: Vegetative to Flower

Worksheet: Vegetative/Flowering Destruction