Procorem is the software OHCS uses to collaborate and track affordable housing development projects. This software is shared with affordable housing development project sponsors and partners and used as a shared space with OHCS staff. Read more about Procorem below or watch these tutorials:
Once your project is ready to move forward in the Oregon Centralized Application (ORCA) process, you will be invited as a collaborator to a WorkCenter created specifically for your project. Each project gets a WorkCenter in Procorem. This usually happens after the Intake step. Additional collaborators, both internal to OHCS and external, may be added wherever necessary for the project.
What’s in Procorem
Folders and Files
A project’s WorkCenter will come preloaded with a file folder structure and files determined by a project’s financial strategy. During project development, sponsors will be able, and be prompted to, download and upload files according to project or task needs.
The WorkCenter will come with assigned tasks to complete. Tasks keep a project moving and ensure all necessary steps for successful project completion are satisfied. Tasks increase transparency by showing upfront what is required and what progress is being made in real time.
When users work through tasks in Procorem, they are ‘finishing’ the task. Approvers then come and ‘approve’ the task, which then makes the task ‘complete’. The ‘pending approval’ is on OHCS' end (as most task approvals are). For more information regarding Procorem notifications, you can access the "Procorem Notifications Quick Guide" from WorkCenter Files, OHCS Document Library, Manuals & Resources.
Once a WorkCenter is created, project sponsors and partners begin receiving digest email updates which keep project sponsors and partners updated on everything that is happening in a project’s WorkCenter.
All collaborators can create posts. Posts enable communication by allowing collaborators to comment on files, tasks, and more. All collaborators in your WorkCenter (your project team and OHCS) will receive an email notification anytime a post has been made. It’s a great way to connect with OHCS staff about your project.
OHCS may use Announcements to broadcast important information such as Technical Alerts (announcements) shown at the top of your WorkCenter.
Each collaborator is assigned a role with defined permissions allowing that user to access and upload files, create posts, and be connected to task assignments. Your role will determine what tasks you are asked to complete within your WorkCenter. Most tasks require approval from OHCS to be considered complete.