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Preparing to apply


Preparing to apply to HARP

If you submit a Homeowner Assistance and Reconstruction Program (HARP) Eligibility Questionnaire and you qualify to apply, ReOregon will email you a link to the online HARP Application Portal. You will be invited to submit an application and supporting documents.

Below are acceptable forms of documentation; some are required. If you do not have these, the program will consider other evidence you provide.

Required documentation

You must provide one or more items from each of the following categories to apply to HARP. Expand each frame to view a full list.

You and any co-applicant must prove your identity using ONE of the following forms of photo identification. Note that you are not required to be a U.S. citizen or legal resident to apply to HARP.

  • Driver’s license (not expired more than 13 years)
  • State-issued ID (not expired more than 13 years)
  • Passport or passport card (not expired more than five years)
  • Current military or armed forces ID
  • Current Oregon federally recognized Tribal ID
  • Oregon concealed weapon/handgun license (not expired more than five years)
  • Oregon Department of Corrections release ID (issued after 2005)
  • Consular ID (not expired more than five years)
  • Valid foreign passport
  • Certificate of Citizenship (Form N-560 or N-561)
  • Certificate of Naturalization (Form N-550 or N-570)
  • Alien Registration Receipt Card or Permanent Resident Card (Form I-151 or I-551)
  • Valid Employment Authorization Card (Form I-688)
  • Valid Reentry Permit (Form I-327)
  • Valid Employment Authorization Document, issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (Form I-688B)

If the above options are unavailable, you must provide TWO of the following documents:

  • Social Security card
  • Birth certificate
  • Voter’s registration card
  • Medicare or Medicaid card
  • Health insurance card
  • U.S. marriage license or certificate or record of marriage
  • W-2 or 1099 tax form
  • Oregon student ID (issued within the last five years)
  • School registration

You will need to provide documents that show your household’s current income. All household members ages 18 and older are required to state their income (including members with zero income).

Household members who file tax returns must submit ONE of the following:

  • Most recent calendar year tax return (Form 1040)
  • Form 8879

Household members who do not file tax returns must submit documentation of all income sources, including wages, pension payments, investment income, and child support.

  • Submission of three months of wage data or paystubs will be required.

Household members with zero income must certify they do not have any income.


You must prove you owned the property or damaged structure at the time of the disaster. If you are seeking funding to rebuild on the same site, you must prove you are the current owner at the time of application. Ownership must be maintained through program closeout.

Homes on land owned by the homeowner require:

  • Deed
  • Copy of electronic property tax record available from the homeowner’s county
  • Other ownership documents (if the land is currently not in the homeowner’s name)

Manufactured homes require:

  • Record from the Oregon Manufactured Home Ownership Document System
  • Notarized bill of sale demonstrating transfer of ownership

Homes on leased land require:

  • Recorded document, such as lease or bill of sale
  • Property tax record

You must provide supporting documentation (dated on or before Sept. 7, 2020) that includes the damaged or destroyed home address and lists you as the resident.

Provide ONE of the following:

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Individual Assistance letter (if the awarded repair or replacement assistance was from FEMA)
  • U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) determination letters (that specify primary residence)
  • 2020 tax return (Form 1040) or Request for Extension
  • Government-issued ID (must list address)
  • Homeowner’s insurance policy (that specifies primary residence)

If one of the above cannot be provided, submit TWO of the following:

  • Utility bill or letter from utility company confirming services to your home, in your name, in August/September 2020
  • Credit card or bank statement from August/September 2020
  • Voter or school registration showing your name or your minor child’s name from the time of the disaster
  • Federal benefits documentation – for example, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children; Medicare; unemployment; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

If you cannot provide ANY of the above as proof of occupancy, you should work with the ReOregon intake center closest to you to determine which documents you can use. This situation may apply if you were in any of the following situations at the time of the wildfires and straight-line winds in 2020:

  • On active military duty or deployment (must have evidence of assignment away from primary residence)
  • Living elsewhere due to illness
  • Incarcerated
  • In a nursing home/assisted-living facility

If applicable

Any disaster assistance you have received must be verified. You will need to submit documents that indicate the amount you received, the source of the funds, and the purpose of the assistance.

Private insurance​

  • Homeowner’s policy declaration page
  • Homeowner’s insurance claim determination letter

Federal assistance


  • FEMA denial letter or award letter
  • FEMA award letter for temporary housing unit or Transportable Temporary Housing Unit


  • SBA loan agreement or denial letter (recommended)
  • Subsidized loan attestation

State assistance

  • Award or determination letter(s)

Local, nonprofit, and other sources

  • Award or determination letter

Recovery expenses

  • Construction, demolition, and/or site preparation contract(s)
  • Manufactured home purchase agreement
  • Replacement home proof of deposit
  • Any other agreements, work orders, installment agreements, or contracts

Legal Settlements

  • Settlement letter or other notice of payment from a third party liable for the damage to your home

If you have filed a civil or legal complaint of contractor fraud, you may be considered for a duplication of benefits reduction. Contractor fraud complaints due to poor work or work that did not meet your expectations will not be considered.

  • You must provide evidence of payment(s) made to the contractor/builder that shows you tried to use the assistance properly.
  • You must also prove the project was not completed. This can include photos showing the current condition of your home or an estimate of the cost to complete the reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement from a new contractor.
  • Finally, you must provide evidence that you have filed a complaint with the appropriate authorities or initiated legal action against the contractor/builder accused of fraudulent practices.

Required documentation includes:

  • Signed contract, work order, or invoice
  • Proof of payment
  • Formal filed complaint(s)
    • This can include a police report, an attorney general-filed complaint, a Construction Contractors Board filed report, or a record of a civil or criminal suit.

  • Evidence of mortgage status:
    • ​Current mortgage or chattel loan (that is, a loan for movable personal property, such as a manufactured home) statement
    • Documentation of formal payment plan
  • Proof of forced mortgage payoff

  • Proof that property taxes are current (unless the program can verify status online)

  • Power of attorney
  • Tenant contact information

Contact us

Call our Call Center at 877-510-6800 or 541-250-0938, or make an in-person appointment at a local ReOregon Intake Center to learn more.