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Oregon Health Authority

Psilocybin Strategic Planning Subcommittee Meetings

Strategic Planning Subcommittee

The Strategic Planning Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the Oregon Psilocybin Advisory Board (OPAB). Subcommittees assist OPAB by considering relevant issues and making recommendations to the full board.

OPAB approved the creation of four subcommittees during their May 5, 2023, board meeting: the Equity Subcommittee, the Licensing Subcommittee, the Products and Research Subcommittee, and the Strategic Planning Subcommittee. The majority membership of each subcommittee consists of Governor-appointed OPAB members and one to two seats in each subcommittee have been designated for members of the public. All OPAB and subcommittee meetings are public meetings and meeting information can be found here on the OPAB and Subcommittee webpages

All OPAB and subcommittee meetings are public meetings and meeting information can be found on the OPAB and Subcommittee webpages. 

Strategic Planning Subcommittee Members

For questions about OPAB and subcommittees, please contact:

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2025 Meetings

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