Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) will investigate complaints, incidents, or concerns related to statute and rule violations that occur on licensed premises and during the provision of psilocybin services.
Once we receive a complaint, OPS will determine if there are potential violations of ORS 475A or OAR 333-333 and whether the Oregon Health Authority is the agency with jurisdiction to take further action.
Oregon Psilocybin Services will only investigate violations of
ORS 475A or
ORS 333-333. If your complaint is related to criminal activity, please contact law enforcement.
You are not required by law to submit information to OPS. Complaints will be treated as confidential information upon your
written request as subject to the Oregon Public Records Law. Note that if OPS finds a violation of the laws governing psilocybin services, your complaint may be used in an administrative proceeding.
Thank you for sharing your concerns with OPS. Please use the link below to submit an online complaint or mail a fillable complaint form to the address below.
Fillable Complaint Forms:
OPS Complaint Form

OPS Training Program Curriculum Complaint Form
Please mail fillable complaint forms to:
Oregon Health Authority
Public Health Division
RE: OPS Compliance Program
PO Box 14450
Portland, OR 97293-0450