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Lab Test Details

STEC Culture



Search Terms Shiga Toxin-producing E. coli; Entero Hemorrhagic E. coli; Vero Toxin-producing E. coli; E. coliserotyping; E. coli ID
How to Order

If submitting an isolate for STEC ID, On the General Microbiology Test Request Form (OHA0060), in the “Enterics” section, check the “Shiga toxin producing E. coli” box. If the isolate is specifically for an E. coli O157 ID, check the "ID" box in the E. coli O157 row.

If submitting original material, in the Enterics section of Form 60, check the "Culture" box in the Shiga toxin producing E. coli row.

If previous testing was conducted using a culture-independent diagnostic test (CIDT), please check the CIDT box and attach previous result reports.


All clients


Daily on regular business days

Time to Reporting

For isolates and original material submitted, within 7 working days after receipt of specimen

Preliminary report will be sent upon isolate confirmation, followed by a final report for serotype.

Public Health Data
De-identified data from sequencing foodborne pathogenic bacteria are submitted to the national repository bank, NCBI, and also shared with the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, PulseNet, as part of genomic surveillance and epidemiological data sharing.
CPT Code  

Specimen Collection Details


Submit stool specimen collected in GN broth (preferred) or Cary Blair transport media.

If submitting original material for culture, please follow the Specimen Collection Details for the Enteric Pathogen Culture.

Optimal Volume

5 gm solid stool or 5 ml liquid stool 

Minimum Volume

2 gm solid stool or 2 ml liquid stool 


Seal tube, place in biohazard transport bag. Store specimens at refrigerated temperatures (2-8°C) pending transport. Do not freeze; avoid extreme heat.

Package specimens with fully frozen ice packs to maintain refrigerated temperatures during transport.
Transport for receipt at the OSPHL within 3 calendar days of collection.

Do not collect or transport for receipt at the OSPHL on a state holiday. Sample integrity may be compromised. 

Rejection Criteria

Specimens received more than 3 calendar days after collection.

Specimens are subject to the requirements of the OSPHL Specimen Submission Policy and Criteria, available at:

Comments Sample integrity may be compromised if received at the OSPHL on a state holiday. Avoid sending samples for receipt at the laboratory on a state holiday.

Original material submitted for testing is retained for 2 calendar days after receipt at the laboratory. For additional information or assistance, please contact the OSPHL at 503-693-4100.

Method Details


Multiplex RT-PCR for Shiga Toxin detection, biochemical and serological identification

Performance Specifications

Biochemical and serological identification - N/A

Multiplex RT-PCR for Shiga Toxin detection:
  • Accuracy:
    • 100% for isolates
    • 98.8% for broths
  • Sensitivity:
    • 100% for isolates
    • 98.4% for broths
  • Specificity
    • 100% for isolates
    • 93.3% for broths
  • Limit of Detection (LOD) Target genes:
    • stx1 = 10 genome copies
    • stx2 = 10 genome copies
    • eae = 10 genome copies 

Change Log

Added Public Health Data section

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