Radiation Protection Services promotes the health and safety of the people in Oregon by working to protect them from unnecessary exposure to radiation. Radiation exposure can come from a variety of sources including X-ray equipment, radioactive materials, tanning beds and other radiation-generating devices.
Enhance the quality of life of all people in Oregon by maintaining a high level of responsiveness to our customers while protecting them from unnecessary radiation.
Promote the health and safety of the people in Oregon by protecting them from unnecessary radiation exposure.
- Establish, adopt, and maintain radiation protection standards for X-ray equipment and other radiation monitoring devices, radioactive materials and tanning beds
- Provide technical assistance to users of radioactive materials and radiation-emitting devices
- Conduct environmental radiological surveillance
- Assure that local emergency response systems have trained first responders and calibrated radiation detection equipment
- Provide 24-hour, 365-day on-call staff to respond to radiological emergencies and follow-up investigations
- Provide information to educate the public and occupational groups on radiation hazards and methods for exposure reduction
Radiation Protection Services is part of the Center for Health Protection. Search the Public Health Program Directory to see all programs in the Oregon Public Health Division.