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Oregon Health Authority

Search Children’s Product Reports Made Under Oregon’s Toxic Free Kids Act

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I review information on children’s products with High Priority Chemicals of Concern for Children’s Health (HPCCCH) reported under Oregon’s Toxic-Free Kids Act (TFK Act)?

This information, reported by manufacturers of children’s products, may be reviewed by searching the High Priority Chemicals Data System (HPCDS). Using the search fields, check boxes, and radio buttons on the front page, data reported by companies may be searched by state, chemical(s), company, or by product category. The initial search results do not display all reported data about a product category. FAQ #2 (below) describes how hidden columns of data may be made viewable.

How can I find all of the information reported under the TFK Act?
Due to webpage design, not all data reported by manufacturers may be viewed on the the initial screen. But that information can be accessed. The HPCDS Search Guide provides definitions of the reported data types. It also provides step-by-step instructions on accessing the data, including how to make on make additional columns of data viewable. A PDF of the Search Guide may also be accessed by clicking the Help drop-down at the top of the Search Product Category Data page.
What is a product category/GS1 ‘brick’ and why is data on children’s products reported this way?
 The product category/'brick' level of the Global Product Classification (GPC) standard identifies products by group or  category. The items in a ‘brick’ are those that serve a common purpose, are of a similar form and material, and share the same set of attributes.

Children's products are reported this way because the 2015 TFK Act requires that manufacturers report their children’s products containing one or more HPCCCHs as a group of product models or styles. The second column of data of the HPCDS’s first page is titled “Product Brick.” 

The GPC standard is used by importers/exporters of consumer products to track and describe the products being bought and sold between countries. Learn more about the 'brick' level and the GPC Standard.

However, because of a 2023 change in the law, children's products will be reported by 'brand name, product model' - as they are seeen on store shelves and websites. This will start with products sold or offered for sale in Oregon in 2023 through 2024, and reported for the 2026 Reporting Period. [See FAQ #7.]

What if I have additional questions on a manufacturer’s children’s products with HPCCCH?
​You may contact the manufacturer. Manufacturers reporting data are required by the TFK Act to provide the name, telephone number, mailing address and email address of a staff member for each product category/GS1 ‘brick’ reported. See FAQ #2 (above) to learn how to access that information.