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Oregon Health Authority

Medical Providers and Laboratories

 Required Lead Screening Tests for Children Enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan

Children enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan must now have a blood lead test at 12 and 24 months, or before 72 months if never tested. For more information, see OAR 410-151-0040 "Lead Screening".

Reporting of Blood Lead Test Results

  • By law, Oregon laboratories and clinicians must report ALL blood lead test results to the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) within seven working days.
  • Blood lead test results of 3.5 ug/dL or higher must be reported to OHA within one working day.

For more on the reporting and investigation requirements, see the Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 333-017, 333-018 and 333-019.

Please do not send blood lead test results to OHA through unsecure email. Use ProofPoint to set up a secure OHA email, or use the secure email available through your facility.

Reporting Form

Oregon Lead Poisoning Guidelines


Lead Screening Protocols

Medical Management



Oregon Lead Poisoning Data



From CDC and HHS

Journal Articles

Educational Materials

For additional educational resources, visit the Educational Materials page.