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Oregon Health Authority

Tips for Storage Owners

Protect Your Business from Drug Labs

People involved in illegal drug manufacturing may use storage facilities to store hazardous materials and apparatus. In addition to boxed labs, manufacturers have been discovered "cooking" inside storage facilities. In order to protect your customers' health and your investment keep an eye out for the following:

  • The general age group for meth cooks ranges from 25-35 years old, but manufacturers have been found in all age groups
  • Renter will likely pay in cash and pay for months in advance
  • Renter would be interested in 24 hour access to the locker
  • May rent multiple units
  • May make numerous and seemingly unnecessary trips to the unit
  • Renter may bring friends to act as a lookout, and close doors when people are passing by
  • Materials may be kept covered upon entry to the storage site
  • Renter may appear unnecessarily nervous and paranoid
  • Laboratory glassware may be present
  • Strange chemical odors may be present around the unit or on the renter


DO NOT ENTER the property. Labs present a risk of exposure to dangerous chemicals and possible explosion. Contact local law enforcement. In an emergency, call 911.

For more information about testing or cleanup of suspected labs, contact the Clandestine Drug Lab Cleanup Program.