On this page:
Introduction & Rules
- According to
Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 333-061-0043, all community water systems are required to submit an annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) to their customers. A CCR must cover the previous calendar year and be delivered to customers by July 1st. A copy of the CCR must also be submitted by July 1st to Oregon Drinking Water Services (DWS). See
Tools & Resources, below, for resources to assist your water system in developing a CCR. - Community water systems must certify their CCRs and submit certification to DWS. The purpose of certification is to confirm that water systems delivered CCRs to their served customers and that information contained in the CCRs was correct and consistent with compliance monitoring (i.e., water quality) data already submitted to DWS. The certification report is due to DWS by October 1st. See
Tools & Resources, below, for resources to assist your water system in developing a certification report.
- All community water systems are encouraged to develop their own dedicated CCR web page so that customers can access past and current reports. DWS no longer maintains a list of these online CCRs; customers should contact their water system directly for this information.
- Submit your CCR and certification reports by mail, fax, or email:
Drinking Water Services - CCR
PO Box 14350
Portland, OR 97293-0350
Tools & Resources
The following tools and resources are designed to assist community water systems in developing CCRs and certification reports.
Technical Assistance
DWS provides assistance for community water systems that have questions about CCR development, requirements and rules.
Contact DWS for assistance. You can also contact the organizations listed below for additional information and technical support:
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule and CCRs
Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 333-061-0043(3)(l) requires community water systems to report detections of unregulated contaminants monitored under the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) in their annual CCR. Specifically, they must report the average and the range at which the contaminant was detected. Water systems may want to briefly explain in the CCR why they are monitoring for unregulated contaminants. EPA has provided the following general suggested explanation: "
Unregulated contaminants are those that don't yet have a drinking water standard set by USEPA. The purpose of monitoring for these contaminants is to help EPA decide whether the contaminants should have a standard."Although not required, a water system may also choose to add additional information about reference concentrations in order to provide context for their customers around the detection of a particular contaminant. See the following document for reference concentration information from EPA:
Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 333-061-0042(6) requires community and non-transient non-community water systems to notify persons served by the system of the availability of the UCMR test results no later than 12 months after the monitoring results are known. Community systems can satisfy this requirement by providing a notice of availability in their annual CCR. While there is no mandatory language required for notifying customers of the availability of the UCMR data, systems may find the language used in the following public notice template useful as a guide.