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Local Program Review Panel (LPRP) Protocol

CDC Requirement

Prior to disseminating new HIV prevention messages through pictorials, audiovisuals, questionnaires, survey instruments, marketing advertising, educational sessions, and brochures, community-based organizations, local health departments, or state agencies that receive Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HIV prevention funding and participate in health-related promotions must determine whether those materials have already been formally approved by the Oregon Program Review Panel (OPRP).

Step 1: Check the OPRP Approved Materials List (Local Health Departments and Community-Based Programs complete this step)

If the materials have been OPRP approved statewide and appear on the “Approved List,” agencies do not have to participate in the LPRP process and are free to disseminate the materials within their service area. 

If materials have not been reviewed by OPRP, proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Submit Materials to the LPRP to review new HIV Prevention Education Materials.

Prior to submitting materials for review, you must download and review the LPRP Guidelines (pdf), the LPRP Submittal Form Instruction Page (pdf), and the LPRP Submittal Form (pdf).

After reading the information from those forms, please complete all of the requested information on the LPRP Submittal Form and send the completed form, along with the materials that need to be reviewed to your local health department that is convening the Local Program Review Panel (LPRP).

Agencies that are submitting materials for review are required to complete all information requested on the LPRP Submittal Form and include a copy of the materials that are to be reviewed directly to your local health department that is convening the Local Program Review Panel.

Local Health Department staff must:

  1. Convene the Local Program Review Panel and present for its assessment copies of written materials, pictorials and audiovisuals proposed to be used;
  2. Provide for assessment by the Local Program Review Panel text, scripts, or detailed descriptions for written materials, pictorials, or audiovisuals which are under development;
  3. Assure that project files contain a statement(s) signed by the Local Program Review Panel specifying the vote for approval or disapproval for each proposed item submitted to the panel; and
  4. Provide to the Oregon HIV Prevention Program regular progress reports, signed statement(s) of the chairperson of the Local Program Review Panel specifying the vote for approval or disapproval for each proposed item that is subject to this guidance. (If you have questions regarding any of the steps associated with the LPRP process, please contact the Oregon HIV Prevention Program at

NOTE:  Agencies submitting HIV prevention curriculum must highlight only the components of the curriculum (those that contain prevention/education messages) that are to be reviewed by the LPRP. For convenience and efficiency, agencies are asked to submit these requests electronically whenever possible.

Step 3: Local Program Review Panel Approval/Disapproval Process

Upon receipt of the completed submittal form and copies of the materials to be reviewed, local health department staff will send materials to the LPRP for review.

Please refer to the LPRP Submission Instructions  for a listing of the information considered in the LPRP review process.

If DISAPPROVED, agencies will receive a document that outlines why the materials were not accepted for dissemination in Oregon.  Agencies will be asked to address these issues if they wish to adapt materials for an additional review.

If APPROVED, agencies may use the materials immediately upon notification by their Local Health Department staff.

Step 4: Approved materials added to the Approved List

Upon approval, your local health department staff will add those materials to the “Approved List” of LPRP-approved materials that are available to use in the service area of the Local Health Department that convened the LPRP.  If a staff member from the Oregon HIV Prevention Program reviewed the approved materials, Warren Scott will add those materials to the "Approved List" of the OPRP materials that are available to use in Oregon.


This site contains HIV, STD, and Viral Hepatitis prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences. Since HIV, STD's, and Viral Hepatitis are spread primarily through sexual practices or by sharing needles, prevention messages and programs may address these topics. If you are not seeking such information or may be offended by such material, please exit this website.

Inclusion of links to external websites does not constitute Oregon Health Authority endorsement.