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Oregon Health Authority


Disease Information

Salmonellosis is a bacterial infection that affects the intestines and occasionally the bloodstream. It is one of the more common bacterial causes of diarrhea. Most cases of salmonellosis occur in the summer months and may occur as a single case, clusters or outbreaks. Typhoid fever is a life-th reatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella serotype Typhi. There is no vaccine to prevent salmonellosis.


Common ways people get salmonellosis include eating raw or undercooked food (meat, poultry, eggs) or through contact with reptiles, poultry or their droppings.

Disease Reporting

What is required?

Health Care Providers and Clinical Laboratories

Health care providers and clinical laboratories are required by law to report cases and suspect cases of salmonellosis to local health departments within one working day of identification.

Cases are subject to restriction on school and day-care attendance, food handling, and patient care for the duration of any diarrhea and/or vomiting. Cases of typhoid fever (Salmonella serotype Typhi) require special measures.

For Local Health Departments


Once you click on the Tableau link, you will be able to select your disease of interest.

See Also

CDC Factsheet