Disease Information
Until recently, Haemophilus influenzae (Hib) was one of the most important causes of bacterial infection in young children. Hib may cause a variety of diseases such as meningitis (inflammation of the coverings of the spinal column and brain), blood stream infections, pneumonia, arthritis and infections of other parts of the body. Due to widespread use of Hib vaccine in children, very few cases of Hib are now reported each year in Oregon. Childhood immunization is recommended.
Disease Reporting
What is required?
Health Care Providers and Clinical Laboratories
Health care providers and clinical laboratories are required by law to report cases and suspect cases of Haemophilus influenzae to local health departments within 24 hours of identification.
For Local Health Departments
Once you click on the Tableau link, you will be able to select your disease of interest.
Please Note: The ABCs project includes only culture-confirmed cases of H. influenzae, while cases included in the Oregon Communicable Disease Summary may be based on additional diagnostic results. Therefore, there may be slight differences between the two reports in the number of cases reported for a given year.