Worksites are an ideal setting for promoting lifestyle change and tobacco-free environments. On this page, you will find tools and resources to assist counties and tribes as well as other public and private employers in your community create policies, systems, and environments that support tobacco-free worksites and cessation.
This page focuses on efforts to achieve tobacco-free policies for properties owned or operated by a specific employer or in a specific workplace setting. For resources and guidance related to passing community-wide public policy for tobacco-free worksites and public places, go to
Tobacco-Free Workplaces and Public Places.
Tobacco-free Properties Policy Evaluation in Counties (ToPPEC)
Sample Policies and County & Tribal Tobacco-free Policies Map
Tobacco-free County Properties -- These policies were passed by various counties in Oregon and are available for reference. Please note that this is not a complete list of county policies. These are provided as sample policies and have not been graded or labeled as Gold Standard.
Sample Policy for Tobacco-free County Properties --This sample policy, developed by Rede Group, is for TPEP coordinators to use as a starting place in working with stakeholders in policy development.
Policy Checklist: Tobacco Free County Facilities & Grounds -- This checklist is a companion document to the TPEP Sample Policy for Tobacco Free county Properties.
Resources and Toolkits
CDC's Resources for Implementing a Tobacco-Free Campus Initiative in the Workplace -- This toolkit provides guidance for implementing a tobacco-free campus policy and comprehensive cessation services for employees.
Toolkit for Implementing Smoke-Free Laws -- This web-based resource from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights, and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids provides timelines and planning tools, outreach tools for business, the media and the general public, and downloadable materials.
Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights' "In Your Workplace" -- This site provides information for businesses, lists maps of policies, and provides stories from organizations that do not allow smoking. There are also specific resources for working with colleges and universities, outdoor dining areas, and hookah lounges.