Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention (HPCDP) other data collection
HPCDP is dedicating funds to explore alternative data collection methods with certain populations that are difficult to reach using traditional population health surveys. A few population-specific multiple data collection methods that HPCDP has been working on are shown below.
On this page:
Youth (15 to 18 years old) living in Oregon State
New: 2025 Oregon youth survey online (OYSO)
- Letter will be mail out early July 2025 to parents with teens aged 15 to 18 years old to encourage youth to participate in the survey.
- Recruitment for the survey includes address base sampling and panel.
- At least 3,500 respondents from 3,100 push-to-web letters and 400 panel respondents.
- Provide a better understanding of behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions related to alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other health-related topics among youth living in Oregon.
- Develops a collaborative partnership with Equity and Inclusion Division.
- The survey will be launched in July 2025.
- Recruitment and survey was offered in English
- Administers an online survey using address data-base sampling (ABS)
- Invitation letter describing the survey purpose and providing a QR code and website link to access the online survey.
- Two postcard reminders
- At least 1,000 survey responses
- Survey launched in June 2022
2021 Oregon Young Adult Survey- Recruitment and survey were offered in English.
- Recruitment included paid social media (Instagram and Facebook) and the texting campaign.
- A total of 3,176 surveys were completed from April to June 2021.
- Provides a snapshot of the state of health and well-being among young adults living in Oregon.
- Helps guide policy and programming related to young adult:
- Substance use
- Mental health
- Social supports
- Develops a collaborative partnership with Oregon Youth Development Council.
- Young Adult Survey Infographic is here