Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention (HPCDP) Evaluations
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention (HPCDP) has a robust, coordinated evaluation approach that addresses elements of comprehensive prevention programs. This webpage details the coordinated evaluation effort for Oregon's Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention work. Additionally, these reports generate information that can be used to improve the quality of work and demonstrate accountability, transparency, and effectiveness.
Program Evaluations
Tobacco Retail License Program Evaluation 2024 – With the passage of Senate Bill 587, the Legislative Assembly included a mandate for the program to be evaluated on an ongoing basis. This interim evaluation report addresses evaluation progress for the first two years of program administration covering the implementation of the Tobacco Retail License program (July of 2021 to December 2023). This evaluation focuses on three components:
Required activities carried out to enforce the laws during that last two years;
Strategies used for enforcing Oregon tobacco retail laws;
and Measuring progress achieved in reducing the availability of tobacco products and vaping products to people under 21 years of age.
Tobacco Prevention and Education Program 2023 Evaluation Report – This evaluation examined the effectiveness of Oregon Tobacco Prevention Education Program and its activities in the 2021-2023 biennium. It focused on three components. 1.) Measuring progress in changing local tobacco prevention policies and strategies (statewide) to reduce the availability of tobacco products, reduce exposure to secondhand smoke/vapor, and improve health systems capacity to diagnose and treat nicotine addiction; 2.) Understanding and improving Local Public Health Authority (LPHA) approaches to working with health systems to address the tobacco use disparities among people with substance use disorders and mental health conditions; and 3.) Understanding community conditions that may contribute to commercial tobacco/nicotine use in Oregon's rural populations.
Tiered Funding Model Evaluation – Focused on results of changes made to the TPEP local health department funding model in 2019, including: the impact of the tiered funding model on local policy and health systems change; the effect of state-to-local technical assistance; and local TPEP programs progress in developing partnerships outside of their local health department. -
Tobacco and Alcohol Retail Assessment (TARA) Evaluation – The purpose of this project was to evaluate the planning and implementation of the 2018 TARA and make recommendations for improving tobacco and alcohol retail assessments. -
Cross Agency Health Improvement Plan (CAHIP) – Evaluation of the CAHIP and cross-agency efforts to encourage worksite wellness, tobacco-free living and improved nutrition and physical activity for clients, consumers and employees. -
Tobacco Burden Evaluation Report: Evaluation to assess the economic burden of tobacco on morbidity and mortality in Oregon.
Campaign Evaluations
Policy Evaluations