It's been said that a person's name is by far the sweetest sound they will hear. That may be true, but have you ever wondered how many others bear your name? Is yours common or is it unique? How have names changed over the years? Are you searching for the perfect name for an expected new member of the family?
Explore our new interactive dashboard of Oregon baby names from 1920 to the present. Features include:
- A list of the top 50 baby names since 1920, and by each year. Select a year by moving the slider in the top left of the dashboard or by clicking the arrow buttons. Move the selector all the way to the right to show all years.
- A search box for names or parts of names. Asterisks (*) can be used as wildcards.
Example: Searching for *mber will find the names Amber, Ember, September, etc.
- A line graph of the top 15 baby names over time. You can choose names from the list to display in the line graph by holding the Control key and clicking them. Click them again to deselect.
- Selecting a name from the list or line graph will display a table of the number of babies with that name for each year since 1920. Click the name again to deselect.
Oregon Baby Names, 1920-2023