In 2010, EPA authorized the Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB) and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to administer and enforce the rule instead of EPA.
- CCB issues the Lead-Based Paint Renovation (LBPR) contractor license for CCB licensed contractors.
- Non-CCB licensed firms (maintenance workers in multi-family housing, schools, child care facilities, property management companies and property rental owners) are not required to have a LBPR license. They are required to become certified through OHA.
What does the rule require?
The rule requires that individuals and firms conducting renovation, repair and painting projects on pre-1978 homes and child-occupied facilities (child care and schools) be trained and certified to follow lead-safe work practices.
Licensed contractors must apply to CCB for their Lead-based Paint Renovation (LBPR) license.
Agencies and businesses (firms) that do not require a CCB license must be certified by OHA. The rule also states that firms must use certified renovators trained by OHA accredited training providers to follow lead-safe work practices. Certified renovators only need their course completion certificate to become certified. Unlike firms, they do not need to apply to OHA or CCB for certification. Firms can be individual proprietors, businesses, schools, property management companies, child care facilities and landlords.
Interested in seeing what a lead-safe worksite really looks like? Lead-Safe Renovation Videos (courtesy of the Wisconsin Dept. of Health Services)
Who is affected by the rule?
The rule affects renovators who perform renovation, repair and painting work on pre-1978 homes or child-occupied facilities. Renovators can include:
- Contractors, painters and other specialty trades
- Landlords and property managers
- Maintenance workers that work on homes, schools and child care facilities
What RRP activities are covered under the rule?
- The rule applies to renovation, repair and painting work in pre-1978 homes or child-occupied facilities.
Renovation means modifying existing structure that disturbs painted surfaces. Renovation includes:
- Modification of painted or varnished surfaces
- Restoring building surfaces
- Window repair or replacement
- Painting preparation (scraping and sanding)
- Removal of walls, ceilings, plumbing and windows
- Weatherization projects
What activities are not covered under the rule?
The rule does not apply to the following:
- 1978 or post-1978 construction
- Zero-bedroom dwelling or housing that is for the elderly or disabled and no children are expected to reside in the home or building
- Lead abatement projects - abatement and inspection professionals are covered under a different set of regulations known as Lead-Based Paint Activities regulations.
- Renovation projects that do not involve lead-based paint
- Individuals performing renovation, repair or painting work on their own home
- Minor repair and maintenance. Minor repair and maintenance means disrupting less than 6 square feet of paint per room or less than 20 square feet of exterior paint.
What are RRP enforcement procedures?
OHA have enforcement authority under Oregon ORS 431A.355 to suspend, revoke or modify a certification to perform lead-based paint activities or renovation if the holder of the certification fails to comply with state or federal statutes or regulations related to lead-based paint. Certified Firms and Renovators in Oregon found to be non-compliant may be liable for civil penalties of up to $5,000 per violation, per day. CCB has similar enforcement authority for contractors under ORS 701.
To file a complaint or report a possible violation of the RRP Rule involving a contractor at an active job site, call the CCB Main Phone at 503-934-2246, or send an email to For additional information, visit the CCB website at,
To file a complaint or report a possible violation of the RRP Rule involving an individual not licensed by the CCB (landlords, property management companies, schools and child care facilities), contact the Oregon Health Authority's Lead-Based Paint Program at 971-673-0440 or e-mail:
What is the Pre-Renovation Education Rule?
This rule is part of the RRP Rule and it outlines the requirements for providing EPA's pamphlet Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right to owners and occupants of housing and child-occupied facilities built prior to 1978.
Application, printable pamphlets, fact sheets and forms
OHA Certified Renovation Firm Application
IMPORTANT NOTE! This application is NOT for licensed CCB Contractors who are applying for the Lead-Based Paint License.
If you are a CCB licensed business or contractor and you want to apply for the
Lead-Based Paint Renovation Contractor License (also called LBPR Contractors License), visit
CCB's website or call 503-378-4621.
Fact Sheets
Oregon Construction Contractors Board
CCB website
Oregon Health Authority Lead-Based Paint Program
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 640
Portland, OR 97232-2162
Phone: (971) 673-0440
Fax: (971) 671-0457
See also