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Oregon Health Authority

RRP Rule for Child Care and Schools

A federal law called the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule requires that child care and school professionals follow specific procedures when renovating or repairing facilities.

RRP Rule: FAQs for child care and schools

Read the frequently asked questions below, or review complete details about the RRP rule.

Does the RRP rule apply to me?

Yes, if...

  • Your child care facility or school was built before 1978 and has children under six years of age attend,
  • You are starting a renovation, repair and painting project that is not a "minor maintenance or repair" or an abatement project. "Minor maintenance or repair means disrupting 6 square feet or less of paint per room, or 20 square feet or less of exterior paint. Abatement projects are specifically aimed at eliminating lead-based paint or lead hazards.

What do I need to do to comply?renovate right

  • Read and understand the rule as it applies to you. Review complete details of the rule or read EPA's Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right (pdf).
  • Assume your pre-1978 child-care facility or school contains lead or hire a professional to conduct an assessment.
  • Do one of the following:
    1. Hire a licensed contractor who has been certified in lead-safe work practices to prevent lead contamination,
    2. Become a certified firm and have your employees (the ones that will be doing the work) trained from an accredited lead-safe training provider.

What do I need to do to become a certified firm?

To become a certified firm or renovator, an individual must successfully complete EPA/OHA accredited training, apply to the Oregon Health Authority for certification, and pay the certification fee. The certification fee is different from the course fee. 

Step 1: Training

The initial RRP Rule training is an 8-hour, hands-on course that individuals can take to learn how to comply with the RRP Rule. Upon completion of the course, the individual receives a course completion certificate. Visit our Training page to see a list of EPA/OHA accredited training providers and a calendar of training courses in Oregon.

The RRP course completion certificate is valid for five years. To maintain certification, course participants must take an EPA/OHA approved 4-hour refresher course taught by an accredited training provider, before their certification expires.

Step 2: Certification

Firms (i.e. maintenance workers in multi-family housing, schools, child care facilities, property management companies and property owners) who have received a course completion certificate must apply to OHA to become an RRP "Certified Renovation Firm". The steps to apply include:

Non-CCB licensed renovators who have received a course completion certificate DO NOT have to apply to OHA for certification. These individuals are considered "certified renovators" who can work for an OHA-certified firm.

What are my responsibilities as a certified firm?

  • All covered renovations must be performed by certified renovation firms, using certified renovators and other trained workers.
  • Keep certification current.
  • Employ at least one certified renovator to oversee renovation, repair or painting work.
  • Provide a copy of EPA's lead hazard information pamphlet Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right (pdf) to families whose children attend the facility being renovated and document compliance with this requirement using Receipt of Renovation Notice Form (pdf).
  • Meet recordkeeping requirements using OHA's Recordkeeping Checklist (pdf).
  • Keep children out of work area.
  • Follow specific work practices to avoid creating and spreading lead dust.
  • Follow specific cleaning protocols after work is done.

What are my responsibilities as a certified renovator?

  • Certified renovation activities must be performed and/or directed by a certified renovator.
  • Perform work or direct lead-safe work practices to prevent lead contamination.
  • Keep a copy of the initial or refresher training certificate on each worksite.
  • Provide uncertified workers with on-the-job training.
  • Use EPA-recognized test kits to identify lead-based paint.
  • Be physically present at the worksite while posting signs, containing work areas and cleaning work areas.
  • Be available by telephone when off-site.
  • Maintain the containment to keep dust and debris within the work area.
  • Conduct the cleaning verification procedure.
  • Prepare and maintain required records.

How much does it cost to become a certified firm?

Certification cost is $250

When does the certification expire?

The course completion certificate and OHA certification expire after five years.


Printable pamphlets, documents and forms

Contact Oregon Health Authority

Lead-Based Paint Program
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 608
Portland, OR 97232-2162
Phone: (971) 673-0440
Fax: (971) 671-0457