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Oregon Health Authority

Injury Data

Using Data for Prevention and Planning

The Public Health Division's Injury and Violence Prevention Program examines sources of data that describe injury problems among Oregonians to identify prevention strategies, plan interventions and evaluate outcomes. We maintain an injury data information system and focus on the identification and prevention of morbidity and mortality due to injury among Oregonians. 

Data Dashboards

Need Help Choosing a Dashboard? Try our Dashboard Overview

Guide to dashboards by topic and data source, with suggestions about how to choose among related dashboards.

Injury and Violence Prevention Program

Other Oregon Public Health Division Injury-Related Dashboards

About Injury Epidemiology

Data gathered and analyzed from injuries in Oregon is used to determine the magnitude of fatal and non-fatal injuries, monitor trends, identify priority areas, complete data requests, and guide program development and policy initiatives.

Oregon Violent Death Reporting System

The Oregon Violent Death Reporting System (ORVDRS) collects information from many data sources and compiles incident-based cases for all violent deaths in Oregon. ORVDRS generates public health information on violent deaths to inform violence prevention strategies. View the data dashboard for the most current data.

State Plans and Reports

The Injury and Violence Prevention Program develops state plans and annual data reports about overdoses, falls, suicides and other related fatal and non-fatal injuries. 

Oregon Injury Fact Sheets

The Injury and Violence Prevention Program has a collection of fact sheetswith basic definitions, data charts and tables related to injuries in Oregon.

CDC Funding Disclaimer

The Injury Prevention and Transportation Safety Data Dashboards were made possible by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the non-research cooperative agreement CDC-RFA-CE21-2101: Core State Injury Prevention Program (Core SIPP) through the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. The contents of these dashboards are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the CDC.

The Overdose Prevention Data Dashboard was made possible by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the non-research cooperative agreement CDC-RFA-CE-23-0002: Overdose Data to Action in States (OD2A-S) grant through the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. The contents of these dashboards are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the CDC.