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Oregon Health Authority

Health Engagement Model (HEM)

Happy family in the kitchen having fun cooking together

Learn about your health risks and save money too! 

HEM pays employees an incentive to learn your health risks and take steps to reduce those risks when possible. When you participate in HEM:

  • PEBB pays you a taxable incentive of $17.50 per month, and
  • You keep your medical plan deductible low. 
If you decide not to participate, you will have a higher deductible. You will also miss out on a monthly incentive. 

Easy steps to participate in HEM

This year's Open Enrollment is "passive" (or non-mandatory) so HEM participation will look a bit different. Review the detailed Decision Chart to see what actions you need to take during Open Enrollment. 

Here's an overview. 

Current medical plan enrollees: 

If you're participating in HEM in 2024 and:

  • You aren't making any benefit changes for 2025, you don't have to do anything. Your enrollment will automatically roll over to 2025. You do not need to take the Health Assessment in 2024. You'll continue to receive the lower medical plan deductible and incentive.
  • You want to change your medical plan for 2025, you must enroll in the new medical plan during Open Enrollment. Be sure to state you plan to participate in HEM. You do not need to take the Health Assessment in 2024. You'll continue to receive the lower medical plan deductible and incentive.

If you don't currently participate in HEM and want to participate in 2025, you must:

  1. Enroll in a PEBB medical plan for 2025 between Oct. 1 and Oct. 31, 2024. Be sure to state you plan to participate in HEM.
  2. Take your health assessment on your current medical carrier's website between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31, 2024: Health assessments done outside of these dates will not be accepted. Proof of completion is not required but we do recommend that you take a screenshot of your health assessment summary or print your completion certificate. 
  3. Complete two health actions during the plan year. You don't have to report them. You just need to let us know you did them at Open Enrollment next year.

Employees without medical coverage

(Opt-out, decline members, or employees who have never enrolled:) 

Normally to participate in HEM, members take a health assessment on their current medical plan's website. Even though you are not enrolled in a medical plan this year you can still participate in HEM though. You just need to enroll in medical coverage during Open Enrollment. You won't take a health assessment this year. You will take one next Open Enrollment when you can take it on your medical carrier's website.

To participate in 2025:
  1. Enroll in a PEBB medical plan for 2025 between Oct. 1 and Oct. 31, 2024. Be sure to state you plan to participate in HEM.
  2. Complete two health actions during the plan year. You don't have to report them. You just need to let us know you did them at Open Enrollment next year.

New Hires:

To be eligible for HEM, your benefits must be in effect by Oct. 1. If your benefits are effective Nov. 1 or later, you are not eligible for HEM for the upcoming plan year. You can participate in HEM next Open Enrollment.
  • HEM is an Open Enrollment benefit only.
  • New employees not eligible for HEM do not receive the monthly incentive but are enrolled in the lower deductible plan.


​Health actions are two actions you, as a HEM participant, choose and do for better health. You agree to do two health actions when you sign up for the HEM Incentive Program and that you will complete them by the next Open Enrollment. (October 1-31 of the upcoming plan year.)

You choose your own health actions. Pick two that meet your personal health goals.

We are pleased to announce that engaging with your EAP will count as two health actions under the Health Engagement Model (HEM)!

No. You don't have to track your health actions.

No. You don't have to report your health actions - to PEBB or anyone else. When you enroll during the next Open Enrollment, you will be asked if you completed two health actions as part of HEM participation; you answer yes or no.

As a life style choice? Absolutely! As a requirement of the PEBB Health Engagement Model? No. HEM is only for employees.​

No, PEBB may need a copy of your Certificate of Completion, but PEBB does not see, ask for, or store any information you enter into your Health Assessment.​

Remember, HEM program has no required health actions. The following are only examples of health actions. Members may choose based on their own health needs!

Get a Life Plan

​ A Life Plan is a wonderful HEM activity as it is important for our family/friends and medical providers to know what medical decisions we want taken if we are unable to communicate this information ourselves.

A good Life Plan includes planning for your assets during your lifetime, planning for medical decisions, planning for your assets after death, and planning for your body after death.  As you create your Life Plan, you'll think about important questions like who you trust most to help you with financial and medical decisions, and you'll identify your most important wishes and priorities."

To find out more, visit the Get a Life Plan page​.

Healthy body

Improving emotional health and managing stress

  • Learn How to Manage Stress to feel better and be healthier.
  • Canopy Wellbeing Employee Assistance Program (not for OSU) or Lyra Health​ (OSU only) has online assessments. View a webinar, take an online course, or talk to an EAP counselor about ways to manage stress, learn resiliency skills, etc. 
    • These now count as two health actions!​

Preventing illness

Getting enough physical activity and rest

  • Get Active with these tips on easy ways to get more physical activity in your life.
    • Being active as a family; aduts are role models for their kids.
    • Reducing leisure time spent on screens -- TV, videos/DVDs, computer, smart phones; reduce time kids spend on screens.
    • Adding movement into your work day -- use a sit-stand station, take the stairs, park farther away and walk to your building, walk during beaks or at lunch.

Quitting tobacco

Joining your workplace wellness team
  • Help plan, implement or participate in your agency’s worksite wellness efforts.
Visit for a comprehensive list of PEBB wellness programs. All of which count as healthy activities.

    By participating in HEM, you are agreeing:
    • That, if required, you will complete the Health Assessment through your current health carrier's website, and then enroll in HEM during Open Enrollment (October 1-October 31). Review the detailed Decision Chart to see if you’re required to take action. 
    You understand: 
    • By enrolling in HEM and completing the Health Assessment by the close of Open Enrollment, you will receive a taxable health incentive of $17.50 added to your monthly paycheck (beginning January 1).
    • That you must complete two healthy actions, of your choice, by the time you enroll in the following plan year's Open Enrollment. 
    • That the above are standards, and that a reasonable alternative to a standard will be provided if a disability makes it unreasonably difficult for me to achieve a standard, or a medical condition makes it inadvisable for me to attempt to achieve a standard. If this is the case, please contact PEBB or your carrier.

    *Contact your medical carrier if you need a password reset.  It may take up to 14 days for Kaiser Permanente members to receive your password, so please don't wait!

    Go to Kaiser Permanente Health Assessment  

    Healthy Extras
    Total Health Assessment
    Phone: 1-866-300-9867 (If you leave a message, please allow 2 business days for a response.)
    Hours: M-F, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
    Q&A on Total Health Assessment

    Printable Instructions

    Go to Moda Health Health Assessment  

    Health Risk Assessment
    Phone: 1-844-776-1593 
    Talk to Health Navigators:
    M-F, 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM

    Printable Instructions

    Go to Providence Health Health Assessment 

    MyProvidence Personal Health Assessment
    M-F, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (10/1-10/30)
    Thu, 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. (10/31)

    Printable Instructions