Services/costs: The HIE
Onboarding Program supports providers onboarding to Reliance eHealth Collaborative,
including no cost for the following Reliance services. Ongoing costs for these
services are not covered by the HIE Onboarding Program – they are typically
covered by Reliance sponsoring entities such as CCOs, health plans, and
- Community Health Record
- Clinical Data Exchange
- ADT/CCD Contribution to the HIE
- ADT/CCD Delivery to EHR
- Clinical Data Exchange is dependent on EHR
capability to consume CCD.
- Lab Orders via EHR
- Results Delivery to EHR
- Direct Secure Messaging
- Web-Based Mailbox Access
- HISP Services
- Population Health Analytics
- Event and Clinical Alerts & Notifications
- Support Services
- Workflow integration
- Help Desk Support
- Upgrades
- Interface monitoring (if applicable)
additional services may have costs for providers/clinics, such as:
- Direct Secure Messaging
- Direct Messaging custom Domain such as
- HISP (XDR) Submission of Transitions of Care
- Reliance eReferral application
- Population Health Analytics
- Custom Population Health Report Design
contact Reliance
at for the
latest services/costs. OHA requires
Reliance to provide notice of any changes to cost structures.
Participation terms: The Program is voluntary. Providers/clinics
can elect to participate and can elect to end participation at their
Onboarding support:
can expect to work with Reliance staff in three phases:
- Agreement review and signing
- Technical onboarding
- Training and post onboarding support
Provider/clinic payment
(administrative offset):
some circumstances for certain providers, an administrative offset will be
passed directly through from Reliance to the organization to help alleviate
some of the costs for initially connecting to Reliance. The administrative
offset is a payment amount from OHA passed through Reliance to certain
providers receiving services. It is meant to offset the administration costs
associated with onboarding. These costs may include legal fees for review of
agreements, costs for technology interfaces, clinic staff time spent, etc. The
administrative offset is a lump sum payment spread across three milestones. Not
all types of provider organizations will receive an offset. You can learn more
about administrative offset amounts and which provider types are eligible for
offsets here.