Below are screenshots of a demo Health Equity Goals dashboard along with descriptions to demonstrate how to read each figure. This dashboard is still in development and is still subject to additions and modifications.
Figure 1 shows the total number of goals, progressed goals, and completed goals by year. Starting on the left, you will see the name of your CCO. Next it will be broken down by each year that your CCO has submitted a Health Equity Plan. From there, there is the total number of goals each year, how many goals have been progressed, and how many were completed by the end of the year. To note, 2020 has zero goals progressed and completed because that is the year that goals were created.

Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows the percent (%) of completed goals and progressed goals by year compared to the total goals reported in the Health Equity Plan. As noted previously, some goals take longer to complete than others as shown with CCO4. In 2021, even though they completed zero goals, they made progress on 82.6% of their 23 total goals compared to CCO3 who completed over a quarter of their total goals in 2021.

Figure 2.