Health Alert Network (HAN)
Oregon's Health Alert Network (HAN) connects hospitals, clinics, laboratories, public safety, EMS and many other public health partners via secure web applications that facilitate information sharing throughout Oregon and SW Washington. The system is managed by the Oregon Health Authority - Public Health Division - Health Security, Preparedness and Response Program.
If you are a member of the Oregon Healthcare Community and would like to receive HAN Alerts, please email:
Compliance Details
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Oregon Capacity System (OCS)
Beginning 3/31/2023, 0700, the Oregon Capacity System (OCS) is the data source for all Oregon hospital bed census information.
Oregon's hospital capacity system (HOSCAP) was sunsetted on 3/31/2023, 0659.
Training and Updates
Communication System Exercises
We schedule communication system exercises throughout the year to make sure our suite of communication systems are functioning well. Please share these dates with your
Upcoming Business Hours Alerts
Dates for future exercises are being reviewed and will be posted soon