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Oregon Health Authority

Immunization Requirements for Colleges

Measles Vaccination Requirement

Any full-time student born on or after January 1, 1957 needs to show that they’ve been vaccinated against measles when enrolling in a college or university as a full-time student (undergraduate and graduate). Requirements for part-time students vary by institution.

Community Colleges
Students participating in practicum experiences in allied health, education, early childhood education and intercollegiate sports are required to meet measles immunization requirements in community colleges.

Some people choose not to vaccinate for measles due to personal, religious, or philosophical reasons and they can claim a nonmedical exemption. To claim a nonmedical exemption for measles vaccine, visit For those seeking a medical exemption, check with your college or university.

Other Vaccines

Schools can require that full or part-time students have additional shots, such as COVID-19 or meningococcal vaccines. Check with the school about any additional requirements.

Education Requirements

Post-secondary institutions that provides student housing must provide information about vaccine-preventable diseases to first time enrolling and registering students (SB274).
Schools are welcome to use or edit these educational materials to provide to students.

Allied Health Requirements

The Office of Health Policy has requirements for students participating in placements in clinical settings. Learn more about Health Profession Student Clinical Training Standards


To review the detailed requirements visit the Immunization Laws and Rules page.