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Stepping On: Falls Prevention Program

Empowering Older Adults to Reduce Their Risk of Falls

Stepping On is a program that empowers older adults to carry out health behaviors that reduce the risks of falls. It is a community-based workshop offered once a week for seven weeks using adult education and self-efficacy principles. In a small-group setting, older adults learn balance exercises and develop specific knowledge and skills to prevent falls.

Older adults who should attend are those who: a) are at risk of falling, b) have a fear of falling, or c) who have fallen one or more times.

Woman with gray hair sits in chair and bends over to tie shoesSubjects covered include:

  • Improving balance and strength
  • Home hazards
  • Moving about safely
  • Community safety
  • Vision and falls
  • Medication management
  • Bone health
  • Footwear
  • Sleeping better

Classes are highly participative; mutual support and success build the participants’ confidence in their ability to manage their health behaviors to reduce the risk of falls and to maintain active and fulfilling lives. See the list of Fitness Classes for Older Adults (including Tai Chi, Stepping On and Otago) to find a class near you in Oregon and SW Washington. 

Contact Information

Jeff Caulfield, Injury Prevention Coordinator
800 NE Oregon Street, Suite 705
Portland, OR 97232